martes, 1 de marzo de 2022

Nonsense CCLXXII-

Nonsense CCLXXII.

Cleansing of a planet called Earth, or Gaea

20220301 (Tuesday)

Kuthryn Marionaard Seagraf (called Kuth or even Kuthie), emperor of the galaxy called the Milky Way, from his ellipsoidal Governing Council table aboard his UFO-like ship, the O-04, has ordered to wipe out something like 70 percent of humanity.

The whole thing will begin at 13:01 hours UTC, on Tuesday, 3 January 2023 MMXXIII two thousand and twenty-three, through the launching from 3,502 UFOs, of numerous and still indeterminate volleys of extremely powerful SLR-68 missiles (there is no similar in Earth) over Russia (Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd, 32 other cities, 79 military installations and bases, as well as aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines), China (Shanghai, Beijing, 90 other cities, 188 military installations and bases, as well as aircraft carriers, destroyers, and submarines) and the United States of America (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, Phoenix, 28 other cities, 143 military installations and bases, as well as aircraft carriers, destroyers, and submarines).

The next day, Wednesday, 4 January 2023 MMXXIII, he will order the vast diffusion and spray of sarin gas in preselected areas of the terrestrial orb, in such a way that there will be devastating results.

A). The Americas. Almost all the inhabitants of Canada, almost all of Alaska, almost all of Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat), about a thousand Seri Amerindians, all the inhabitants of Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador, and the inhabitants of the Chilean territory located to the North of the 42nd parallel of South latitude, they will remain alive.

In the rest of the Americas, not a single human individual will be left alive.

B). Asia. They will die: all the inhabitants of mainland China, except those of Hong Kong and Macau, all the inhabitants of India south of the Tropic of Cancer, except those of the state of Tamil Nadu, who will live. Likewise, they will die: all the inhabitants of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar or Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea and the Asian part of Russia.

C). In Europe will die: all the inhabitants of Belarus and the European part of Russia.

D). In Africa there will be no generalized attacks, nor in Macaronesia: the Canary Islands, Azores Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira and the Savage Islands, nor in the islands of the Indian Ocean (except Sri Lanka, which will be completely annihilated).

E). In Oceania and the Pacific islands there will be no widespread attacks.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, after the aforementioned general cleaning there will be a selective hygiene: as of Saturday, 7 January 2023 MMXXIII, the ineffable Kuthie, on the strong recommendation of his wife Sylvia Saskia Saira Venelopos Schnaardle (although this measure was not really necessary, he had already decided that way), will order the execution of wicked and good-for-nothing individuals from all over the world –by hanging, collective gas chambers, and even mass executions– in the following way:


They will die: all illiterate, ignorant, good-for-nothing, destitute, lazy, addicted, drug addicts (marijuana smokers included), hopeless alcoholics (moderate and light alcoholics will live), parents abandoning their homes and their families (disobliged), mothers abandoning their homes and their families (disobliged), outcasts, idlers, invalids, murderers, voluntary homicides, women who have had abortions; doctors, nurses practicioneers of abortions, tattooed people, kidnappers, gangsters, invalids, handicapped, blind, one-eyed, deaf and hard of hearing, dumb, deaf-mute, maimed, lame, quadriplegic, hemiplegic, individuals with Down syndrome, AIDS patients, in a Sparta-type application of rules, and beyond.

As a sign that he will not attack any more, the great emperor Kuthie will send, via courier companies, pots of Myosotis or forget-me-nots to the wives of the male rulers, and the female rulers, of the countries that continue to have inhabitants on that splendid and wonderful planet called Earth, even though he exhorted all earthlings to adopt anarcho-capitalism as a system of organization and way of life, according to the theories and precepts of the Austrian School of Economics, by Carl Menger, Eugen Böhm von Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, Jesús Huerta de Soto, etcetera.

Flag of Anarcho-Capitalism

Thus, the Earth; that is, the planet also known as Gaea, will be more or less clean of human garbage and iniquities for many more years.

Subsequently, as soon as possible, that is to say, four or five days after concluding their great ordering and sanitizing work, Kuth, his brilliant spouse Sylvia Saskia, his courtly and itinerant advisers and the crew, will return to their planet of origin, to continue their placid and fruitful life.

Nonsense CCLXXIII.

Something everybody needs to know about online high schools

by Frank S. McFadden

7 February 2023

As you may have noticed, Online High School Central (OHSC) has an entirely different angle than most online high school sites. On OHSC, we don't swipe, we don't settle, and we aim at the stars. In other words, we are a luxury site composed of like-minded professors and future successfuls students who want to elevate their lives, in discipline, knowledge, reasoning, and personal growth.

Yet OHSC has only 137 members (by now), but it also counts with a fund of 354 million dollars provided by the International Foundation for the Advancement of the Education (IFAE), headquartered in Boston.

So, it's fair to wonder what it takes to really stand out from the crowd and find those superb connections. We already asked the parents of the prospected pupils for their thoughts, so now let's turn the tables and get the body of teachers prepared as to meet the needs of the future students.

Want more responses? Please ask the right questions.

Stick around as we will be striving for more quantity and, above all, quality.

Any person will attest there is nothing quite like the feel of a custom suit made just for him, so imagine how it feels for the future students and their parents to receive detailed information and the best of education for the teenagers.

The for-free coffee machines at our facilities are ready, and so is the administrative personnel, and the academic staff. So you can come to know us in person.

But... I was forgetting to make it clear: besides our websites, we have brick and mortar facilities.

We are ladies and gentlemen prepared and ready to serve your children with the utmost proficiency and precision.

We aspire to becoming the leading online high school.

Nonsense CCLXXIII.

Aliquid omnibus opus est scire de online alta scholarum

(As translated from English to fake Latin by Google Translate)

Something everybody needs to know about online high schools

Aliquid omnibus opus est scire de online alta scholarum

scripsit Frank S. McFadden

7 Februarii 2023, MMXXIII

Ut fortasse animadvertere potes, Online High School Centralis (OHSC) angulum prorsus alium habet quam in maximis locis scholae altae. In OHSC non ungunt, non componimus, et in astra tendimus. Id est, luxuries sumus compositi ex unanimis professoribus et futuris bonis studentibus, qui vitam suam extollere cupiunt, in disciplina, scientia, ratiocinatione, et personali augmento.

Nihilominus OHSC tantum 137 membra habet (iam), sed etiam cum fisco 354 decies centena milia numerat cum fundatione Internationali pro promotione Educationis (IFAE), praetorio in Boston.

Mirari igitur aequum est quid a turba exstare ac superbas hospites invenire. Parentes discipulorum exspectationis cogitationum eorum iam quaesivimus, ut nunc ad mensas convertamus et corpus magistrorum praeparatum ad futuras discipulos necessitates occurrat.

Plusne respondeo? Interroga ius quaestionum.

Inhaeramus ut circa quantitatem et ante omnia qualitatem magis studeamus.

Quivis homo testabitur nihil esse prorsus simile de usu litium, quae mox ei factae sunt, ita cogitet quomodo sentit de futuris alumnis et parentibus ad informationes recipiendas et optimam educationem ad eleifend.

Machinae for-liberae ad facultates nostras paratae sunt, itaque curatores administrativi et baculus academicus.

Sic potes nos cognoscere personaliter.

Sed... Oblitus eram ut id appareret: praeter paginas nostras, laterum et caementorum facultatem habemus.

Dominae et generosi sumus parati ac parati ac servire vestris liberis summa cum cura et diligentia.

Aspiramus ad fiendam online alta schola ducens.

martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Nonsense CCLXX

Nonsense CCLXX

The terrific, ineffable, unsurmountable, superb, and fabulous Sacrum Temerārius does everything, and does it very well, close to a relative perfection.

El terrible, inefable, insuperable, magnífico y fabuloso Sacrum Temerārius lo hace todo, y lo hace muy bien, cerca de la perfección relativa.

In Latina lingua or pseudo-latin / En latín o seudolatín:

Terribile ineffabilem insuperabile, eximius, omnia fabulosa Sacrum Temerārius et illud bene ad perfectionem relativam.

In esperanto / En esperanto:

La terura, nedirebla, nesuperebla, superba kaj fabela Sacrum Temerārius faras ĉion, kaj faras ĝin tre bone, proksime al relativa perfekteco.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2021

Nonsense CCLXIX

Nonsense CCLXIX.



Nonsense CCLXVIII. 


(was nicht verwendet werden sollte)

Araber mit großer Nase

Blasse Gesichter (Weiße)

Bohnenfresser (Mexikaner)

Deizidale Juden

Dumme Chinesen

Dumm-ignorant Indianer

Dummkopf Mongolen

Fanatische und gewalttätige Muslime

Farbige (Mulatten / Schwarze)

Farbige (Mulatten / Schwarze)

Fettig (Lateinamerikaner)

Fettig (Mexikaner)

Fettig (Mittelamerikaner)

Fettig (Sudacas, id est, Südamerikaner)

Franzosen turophile, die sich über alles beschweren

Gelbe Frauen (Asiaten)

Gelbe Männer (Asiaten)

Hartnäckige jüdische Siedler


Invasoren räubern Briten

Juden mit großer Nase

Khazar Juden

Mafiosi Italiener

Mauerspringer (Mexikaner)

Muslime mit großer Nase

Neidische Holländer


Nordische Wikinger-Angreifer

Prüde Buddhisten

Prüde Christen

Prüde Juden

Prüde Muslime


Quadratkopf Deutsche



Scheinheilige Katholiken

Scheinheilige Protestanten

Schmutzige Ausländer

Schmutzige Juden

Schmutzige Juden

Schmutzige Muslime

Schmutzige Zigeuner

Schreckliche Juden

Schwachkopf Muslime

Seltsamer Schweizer

Taurophile Spanier

Verarmte heiße Teesipper, Russen

Verblendete Nordkoreanische Sklaven

Weinverkäufer Portugiesisch

Wetbacks (Mexikaner)




(which should not be used)

Big nosed Arabs

Pale faces (whites)

Beaners (Mexicans)

Deicidal Jews

Silly Chinese

Foolish-ignorant Amerindians

Ninny Mongols

Fanatical and violent muslims

Coloreds (mulattoes / blacks)

Coloureds (mulattoes / blacks)

Greasers (Latin Americans)

Greasers (Mexicans)

Greasers (Central Americans)

Greasers (Sudacas, id est, South Americans)

Turophile, complaining French

Yellow women (Asians)

Yellow men (Asians)

Stubborn jewish settlers


Invaders robbers British

Big nosed Jews

Khazar Jews

Mafiosi Italians

Wall jumpers (Mexicans)

Big nosed muslims

Envious Dutchmen


Norse viking raiders

Prude buddhists

Prude christians

Prude Jews

Prude muslims


Squarehead Germans



Sanctimonious catholics

Sanctimonious protestants

Dirty foreigners

Dirty Jews

Filthy Jews

Dirty muslims

Filthy gypsies

Horrible Jews

Dimwit muslims

Strange Swiss

Taurophile Spaniards

Impoverished hot tea sippers, Russians

Deluded North Korean slaves

Wine sellers Portuguese

Wetbacks (Mexicans)

Usurious Jews




Nonsense CCLXVI. 

The following text is a html test.
El texto siguiente es una prueba de html.

Okay, let's start reviewing some products and services

Nonsense CCLXVII. 


(which should not be used)

Beaners (Mexicans)

Beaners (Mexicans)

Big nosed Arabs

Big nosed Jews

Big nosed muslims

Coloreds (mulattoes / blacks)

Coloreds (mulattoes / blacks)

Coloureds (mulattoes / blacks)

Coloureds (mulattoes / blacks)

Deicidal Jews

Deluded North Korean slaves

Dimwit muslims

Dirty foreigners

Dirty foreigners

Dirty Jews

Dirty muslims

Envious Dutchmen

Fanatical and violent muslims

Filthy Jews

Foolish-ignorant Amerindians

Greasers (Central Americans)

Greasers (Central Americans)

Greasers (Latin Americans)

Greasers (Latin Americans)

Greasers (Mexicans)

Greasers (Mexicans)

Greasers (Sudacas, id est, South Americans)

Horrible Jews

Strange Swiss


Impoverished hot tea sippers, Russians

Invaders robbers British

Khazar Jews

Mafiosi Italians



Ninny Mongols

Norse viking raiders

Pale faces (whites)



Prude buddhists

Prude christians

Prude Jews

Prude muslims





Sanctimonious catholics

Sanctimonious protestants

Silly Chinese

Squarehead Germans

Stubborn jewish settlers

Taurophile Spaniards

Turophile, complaining French

Usurious Jews

Wall jumpers (Mexicans)

Wall jumpers (Mexicans)

Wetbacks (Mexicans)

Wetbacks (Mexicans)

Wine sellers Portuguese

Yellow men (Asians)

Yellow women (Asians)



(los cuales no deberían ser utilizados)

Frijoleras (mexicanas)

Frijoleros (mexicanos)

Árabes narigones

Judíos narigones

Musulmanes narigones





Judíos deicidas

Esclavos norcoreanos engañados

Musulmanes imbéciles



Judíos sucios

Musulmanes sucios

Neerlandeses envidiosos

Musulmanes fanáticos y violentos

Judíos asquerosos

Amerindios tontos-ignorantes








Judíos horribles

Suizos extraños


Empobrecidos sorbedores de té caliente, rusos

Invasores ladrones británicos

Judíos jázaros

Italianos mafiosos



Mongoles papanatas

Asaltantes nórdicos vikingos

Caras pálidas (blancos)



Budistas mojigatos

Cristianos mojigatos

Judíos mojigatos

Musulmanes mojigatos


Campesinos blancos sureños (del Sur de los EE.UU.A.). Literalmente, "cuellos rojos" (por asoleamiento)

Pieles rojas

Católicos santurrones

Protestantes santurrones

Chinos tontos

Alemanes cabezas cuadradas

Tercos colonos judíos

Españoles taurófilos

Franceses quejumbrosos, amantes del queso

Judíos usureros

Saltamuros (mexicanas)

Saltamuros (mexicanos)

Espaldas mojadas (mexicanas)

Espaldas mojadas (mexicanos)

Portugueses vendedores de vino

Amarillos (asiáticos)

Amarillas (asiáticas)


martes, 19 de enero de 2016


Nonsense CCXLIX.
Opossum Rules.

Pseudo-theatrical farce in three acts.



---- No known methodology will be applied until and after it has returned our superior soror Actinide Cambuston Mendizábal, 89, and if not back in a period of 60 calendar days, we shall get by by applying opossum formulas and symbols, or whether, if necessary, we can introduce changing, unorthodox, yet fragile methodologies.

So, my dearest sistren and distinguished brethren, arm yourselves with patience and kindly dedicate to the studies of biology, zoology, genetics, and opossum reasoning in the books of the Expanded Library belonging to our legion of troops, located 600 feet north of the City Hall of Hostotipaquillo (coordinates: 21.060331 north latitude and west longitude -104.051353, in,-104.051353,31m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en 

In the municipality of Hostotipaquillo, opossums possums abound.

Do you remember, sistren and brethren, when all of us were opossums, tens of millions of years ago?

I do not remember that, and there and no farther in the past goes my memory. I would reminisce when we were quasi reptiles, and beyond, over four billion years ago, when we were bacteria,

id est, unicellular microbes, but even that is not possible for me.If any of you, my dearest legionnaires of the unfading wisdom, remember that, please make it known to us before the Formal Sessions of our CXIV Meeting begin when we are wearing our hoods, before reporters and photographers enter the sacred hall.After the session, there was a toast with Spanish white wine, and waitresses and waiters brought some snacks, namely shrimp in garlic sauce, Greek salads, and rye-and-wheat bread.


What has smoked, the macrobe Lanthanide Yllán-Osuna, 57?
~~~He has not smoked anything, early today has drunk the concoction called polvoraduque* (powder of dukes) and ingested two capsules of wisdomase, a brand new enzyme synthesized in our laboratory by his niece, biochemistry Dacia Méndez-Yllán from the town of Plan de Barrancas Yllán-Méndez, Yllán Dacia Mendez, Plan de Barrancas (Plan of Canyons)
—Ah!, I see.
~~~Oh Darwin!, oh Wallace!

 *An Spanish tea composed with five ingredients: water, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, sugar (or honey).


Something strange has happened.Superior Sister Actinide apparently had not returned in time on purpose; she indeed was in Hostotipaquillo, but hidden in the home of a friend, one night before the CXIV Meeting, at the twenty-second hour, and covered by the darkness, had extracted some white wine from each bottle, using a special syringe, and introduced instead a powerful, reversible, crystal-clear metamorphoseant potion, and this, along with fructose, glucose and the grape alcohols from the white wine, created a strange mixture that turned the legionaries in opossums, in less than two hours. 

When Actinide prepared to offer the antidote in dishes placed on the floor after telling them that they could again be human, they shook their heads. The octogenarian opened the reading hall door and the neoopossums, females and males, left in disarray towards the mountain.Apparently they preferred to accept their animalization, and remain free.

Later in the evening, Actinide found that at the end of the Rapporteur Final Act and Compliance of the Proposed Disorder of the Day, the assistant clerk had written: 

"We're a little tired of being part of the herd of humans, with all the problems, convulsions, wars, envies [...] that it entails. We would like to be like the opossums, free, neither knowing what the money is nor feeling the anguish of knowing that one day we will die...

"Given in the City of Hostotipaquillo, Xaliscum, Mexicum, on Monday, February 29, AD of MCMIV.

"Signed by Lanthanide, sealed in the locus sigilli".

57 is the atomic number of lanthanum, and 89 is the atomic number of actinium, hence the age of fictional characters named Actinide and Lanthanide.

Nonsense CCL.
The macabre boat.

No more rumors and speculations:
It has been confirmed the prodigious story told by the only survivor, the fabulous and legendary master of the fishing vessel Neptune IV, Romualdo Dosfuegos Calatayud (1889-1930), who left San Blas, Nayarit (México), for the Barra de Navidad (Christmas Sand-Bank), in the Mexican State of Xalisco (nowadays written and spelled Jalisco), where he never arrived to. Dosfuegos came swimming to a Xaliscan beach called Chamela. It is a realistic, true, verifiable history.(Actually this is pure fiction, a fake tale).

Nonsense CCLI.
I think the following phrases can be oxymorons: 

The moderated exacerbation and the exalted equanimity never have encamped in this mesoleveled territory.

Nonsense CCLII.

Náinari is a Yaqui or Hiaqui or Yoem Noki or Cahita word, which means "louse".

In Ciudad Obregón, in the Mexican State of Sonora, there is a lagoon called Náinari, with a beautiful tree-lined promenade, and a road circling the aforementioned artificial lagoon, west of the ballpark Tomás Oroz Gaytán, by Guerrero Avenue. It was built in 1956, and its waters come through an irrigation canal, from the Álvaro Obregón Dam (located in the Northeast of Ciudad Obregón).

The coordinates (latitude North, longitude West) of the Discus Thrower by Myron statue traffic circle located some tens of feet from the lagoon Náinari are approximately: 27.495611 -109.966490 for →,-109.96649,498m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en 

The Náinari Lagoon has Tyrolean, floating dock, dancing fountains... Southeast of the lagoon there are the Ostimuri Children's Park and the Bellavista neighborhood; north, the Álvaro Obregón Sports Center (Centro Deportivo Álvaro Obregón, CDAO). 

In the 1960s and 1970s, this lagoon  was used as a place of death by some young obregoneans suicide women, disappointed or frustrated by broken loves, hates, "antiloves"; of course, they could not swim, because they did not how to do it.

There is also a Náinari Avenue, with a central ridge, in the northern area of ​​the city, where during the 1960's, the 1970's and part of the decade of the 1980's, teenagers and young daughters and sons of wealthy families, used to drive for hours "to go to the Nainarazo", "or to drive the Náinari Avenue"; some, while drinking beers of brands such as Modelo (Model), Cruz Blanca-Listón Azul (White Cross-Blue Ribbon) and other brands, when the cans were not made of aluminum, but of tin, and those youngsters used to hear rock music played in the car stereo: the Kinks, the Doors, the Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, Jethro Tull, Alice Cooper, Deep Purple, Ten Years After, Genesis, Yes; Emerson, Lake & Palmer; Bread, Peter Frampton, Kiss... in their automobiles, Mustang, Maverick, Valiant Super Bee, pickup trucks, and so on.

The coordinates of the Náinari Avenue are: 27.499759 -109.933952.,-109.933952,498m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en

A pretty close to Ciudad Obregón (main city of the Municipality of Cajeme, Sonora) beautiful place for excursion is the Oviachic Dam (or Álvaro Obregón Dam), ideal for fishing: 27.821480 -109.894813,-109.894813,497m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en

Finally, northeast of a village called Hornos ("Ovens") on the side of the paved road to the dam, there is a strange and idyllic place: the Laguna Encantada (the Enchanted Lagoon): 27.726345 -109.874490,-109.87449,497m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en

The Yaqui word "Ehui" means "yes".

Nonsense CCLIII.
Disturbing image/stamp.

Young platinum-color straight hair, beautiful face, jeans, and silver leather sandals; a beauty of furtive glances. What number are you waiting for at the avenue bus stop at eight o'clock? Surely you must go to your work, princess, neighbor in my district.

Nonsense CCLIV.
An ultraimprobable story (A false account about the start of the known universe).


In the beginning there was the Nothing, a seemingly immobile, irregular and chaotic matte black, ultracold, hyperinflated ovoid. Ten gray spheres, known as Trifles, floated around it. It was so unhappy, disillusioned, hopeless and boring to exist alone, that it shrugged and self-extinguished after 810 billion years* of existence, without bitterness or self-farewells before the Large Mirror.

*810,000,000,000 = 900,000 ^ 2 = 9 ^ 2 × 10 ^ 10 = 3 ^ 4 × 10 ^ 10.

Four minutes before, the Trifles had ceased to exist: they knew that the chief had decided to leave for good, and they saw fit to anticipate a little.

Oh, Heidegger (1889-1976)! - "Why is there something rather than nothing?" █ "Warum ist überhaupt etwas und nicht vielmehr nichts?"


Then, from the nearest non-space "corner", he arrived... it was Omni, who said he was a god, but it was one of those vacuous exhalations, or filltrician voids so abundant today, in this postmodern era, the second decade of the 21st century. Actually, Omni never existed, it was a ghostly, holographic, hiperentropic illusion, and if it had existed, it would have been only a bragging bird.

Suddenly, from the farthest "corner" of the anti-space it arrived to the pseudo-center a triangle of golden energy: He was God who despite talking to himself, used to get bored a great time, so he proceeded not to die as had his predecessor (the Nothing) had done, but to create angels, the universe, time and anti-time, energy and anti-energy, matter and antimatter, and so on. 

And here we are, attentive, contemporary witnesses, in order to observe the inexorable, unfading, exciting, indulgent, superb, unsurpassed, magnificent and endless progress of humankind.

Nonsense CCLV.
Sacrum Temerarius.

Just by writing in a piece of paper, either with graphite, a pen, fountain pen or duck feather, Sacrum Temerarius turned it sacred. You have to appreciate how he used to hold his favorite sepia ink fountain pen, a Sheaffer. On Friday, February 14, 2014, he mysteriously disappeared while walking along the dry bed of a tributary stream of the Northwestern River, close to Sar-Oel-Din, seeking weird, unique flora in the world. 

He has left 14 terabytes of information in Writer, Draw, Math, Database, Word, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Calc, portable document format, PDF; numerous lines and folders of programming languages ​​Basic, C+, C++, PHP, Clipper, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, Java, SQL, dBase III Plus, PostgreSQL, Informix 12.1 (IBM), SimpleDB (Amazon), Delphi, Python , html5; D.O.S. (disk operating system) files with extensions called .bat, and 0.6 petabytes of images, photographs, drawings, sketches, and videos on several supercomputers Cray, as well as 96 boxes of manuscripts. 

Classification and indexation of all of that information will take about six months. 

Nonsense CCLVI → 256 (this number is 2 ^ 8).

Take eleven glass bottles, of a capacity of half a gallon or four American pints each.

Pour respectively in each: pure water, olive oil, cane vinegar, red wine (cap this one with a cork), alcohol, sucrose syrup, mineral water, Coca Brynco (a Bolivian drink, made out of coca), Royal Crown Cola, Pepsi, and Coca-Cola. 

Put the bottles in the center of your dining table or kitchen cupboard. Consume first Coca Brynco, which will give you energy. 

Go to work or to study, as appropriate. Take with you more bottles of Coca Brynco or pour it in a thermo. Buy many bottles of Coca Brynco because it gives energy, the energy that only Bolivian coca can give, within the field of legal, without breaking any laws or committing any crime —when compared to some more expensive beverages, such as Red Bull, Bomba Energy, Monster Energy,* Vive100 (guarana),** Optimus or Magnus powders to be dissolved in water... Some of the latter have side effects and sometimes tend to be hazardous to health and even cause death (you can perform some searches on Google, to confirm this).

*Some contain taurine.
**Made by a Colombian company called Quala, which also manufactures and markets Riko Pollo Broth Mix, Savilé shampoo, et cetera.

Keep the other bottles to use at the right occasion.

Nonsense CCLVII.
Punishment by striking ice picks against the head of the unfulfilled, lazy, double-dealer, rebellious, apathetic, opportunists, liars, cheaters, pretenders, swindlers, flattering, profiteers, thieves, thugs, and so on; id est the chafamex* Mexicans, especially from the South and the Southeast of Mexico.

*An acronym composed of chafa: "crappy" (shabby, shoddy, low-class) and mex, shortening of the adjective "Mexican". 

—"The North works, the Center thinks, the South sleeps."

It is a phrase coined in the North of the United Mexican States by a Mexican septentrionalist.

Nonsense CCLVIII.
The Brethrenhood of the Meat.

Esteemed brethren and very dear sistren, you should eat pork chops, beef steaks, chicken, shrimp, fish, crabs, lobsters, oysters, prawns, scallops, spider crabs... A part of the Rite of Initiation is to go to a bullring, and after the bull-fighting (corrida), bring a plastic cup or a glass, the trail bullring and ask managers to enable them to collect some blood of a bull, to drink almost immediately ...Or go to any other places where they can drink bull's blood ... have opposed bullfighting: the 55th. viceroy of New Spain, Felix Berenguer de Marquina, who ruled from 1800-1803, and was unpopular for this reason; vegetarians or vegans, most of the Catalans, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), other animal rights, the anti-bullfighting -for course ...They have opposed and cockfighting, many veterinarians, as well as advocates and champions of protection, care, feeding, etc., oppose animal.Taurófilo.Instead, the 56th. Viceroy José de Iturrigaray, who ruled from 1803 to 1808, was popular because of his taurofilia; authorized the City of Celaya for bullfights were held in that city, where there was.Total ban.Well, if in some Councils (Councils) Mexicans, the aldermen, and / or at certain local legislators will ban bullfighting and cockfighting, which also prohibit the zoo (animals are not in your natural and suffering) habitat, animals in circuses (or animal circuses, where applicable); they also prohibit families and ladies have caged birds and fish in aquariums in homes, in aquariums; and also shall prohibit such performances Sea World, the captivity of cetaceans such as whales and dolphins, swimming with dolphins in the International Centro de Convivencia Infantil (CICI) of Acapulco, etcetera.Dogfighting is prohibited.Yoke.Because of not having money to buy tractors, many farmers still use the World -par oxen, mules, to plow their fields and so on ... This is animal abuse, but the poverty of such miniagricultores do understand the situation, without justification.It is foreseeable that in the near future WSPAs, Petas, spas, attached, finance related and similar farmers to acquire tractors, but they can suggest to the national governments to do so.Mills blood.For centuries, since the time of the ancient Romans, man has tied mules or donkeys or mules or camels or horses or mares or oxen dogs or wooden beams curved or straight, which act as hubs securing another beam, this Vertical last one, attached to grinding mechanism, permits movement of the grinding stone.Thus by the animal walk in circles, were operated mills called blood, and used to grind wheat flour obtained, for example, or, by another system, pump water.This is also cruelty to animals.In addition, there are mills operated by humans, but they do not need to be tied, but we are rational animals; at least that is stated: Homo sapiens sapiens, not Homo ignorantis tardus, although the latter seemed to us, in view of the continuing and rising environmental degradation.Apparently, it is not necessary to prohibit: horse racing, greyhound racing, camel or equine therapy or hippotherapy, except better opinion of experts and connoisseurs.And do not be hypocrites, ye Catalan anti-bullfighting and / or protective Anglo animals: hope the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), in Castilian, World Society for the Protection of Animals; the Humane Society (SPA), the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, etc., and neglected-to-write or ignorant members of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District, in Mexico City, do not have among its precepts cruelty is punishable killing insects [three pairs of legs and a pair of antennas] as cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, ants, bedbugs, lice; arachnids [four pairs of legs, no antennae], such as certain species of poisonous spiders, scorpions and scorpions; rats, mice, and other members of harmful, hurtful, harmful or Danera fauna; and also that farmers will not have problems if they kill badgers, crows, snakes, rats, etc., because if they are penalized because of allegations of WSPAs, Petas, spas and others are not going to reach the money to pay fines ; also that farmers can remove ticks and other arachnids, and some insects that infest their livestock without fear of being denounced by WSPAs, Petas, spas, attached, related and similar.In the house where I live, they live gray spiders, known as "doggy spiders" (which does not harm or kill), geckos or lizards (not damage or kill), garden snails (which does not harm or kill); there are occasional visits gray birds, beautiful hummingbirds and hummingbirds, ladybugs or ladybirds, bees, etc. (not harm or kill).Also, I live with mites that inhabit my eyelashes follicles (Demodex folliculorum and / or Demodex brevis), and with the millions of gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria that live in the large intestine.

Nonsense CCLIX.
Preliminary and partial instructions and at ease soon die in the desert.

Carry no compass or mobile [phone] or hat or umbrella.If you want to die sooner, rather Worn little water (one liter, at most), or in a thermos flask equipped with belt or baldric.Walk quickly (but do not run or you trotéis) and oratoide style, losing the pace and direction all the time, here, here, there, there, there and everywhere; Seek the most inhospitable places, and do not think in the future, only the present.Stay away as much as you may of civilization, of the villages ...The diñaréis with your boots fine European positions, and facing the sun, with dignity, with dry mouth and pharynx, as one of the intrepid world, or as a true Spartan warrior, but the twenty-first century, as before Christ or our common was not wore booties.He will build a marble cenotaph at the site of your death, if your body or skeleton is found, but will be buried in the desert, it would be a grave offense to the sacred siliceous nature. You will be laid to rest where hubisteis born or an urban area.It will be a water symphony composed in your honor, in a contradiction of coordinates desert contrasted with the desire of humanity and the great civilizations be settling water sources or large rivers.

Nonsense CCLX.
Youth crossbow tip change.

As of today, and more will come, it is "distracted perception," capturing the segmented information, the immediacy, the immediacy, the real-time multitasking.Few young and teens use today a wristwatch. On their cell phones (mobile phones) is no clock.Few young and teens acquire a daily newspaper. Why spend money that could help them to buy a snow (ice cream), a cigarette, or complete the movie ticket, if they can see "Loose news" on the websites of newspapers and magazines in the internet.They can hear your favorite music and simultaneously play games or chat or mensajear; or washing dishes and cutlery and also see / hear television programming ... something similar to what they could do when our grandmothers hand washing clothes or mopping the floor or preparing food and simultaneously heard his radio drama or -ranchera your favorite music, trios, Alvaro Carrillo, Agustin Lara, Maria Greever, Maria Luisa Landin, etc ... on the radio of amplitude modulation (AM), there, in the middle of the twentieth century, or what they do mechanics, carpenters and so on which to work or hear news broadcast music to your preference.The journalist, writer, teacher, film director, consultant and speaker French Francis Pisani (1942) popularized the word movicuidad. Pisani is the best promoter of movicuidad (an acronym composed of "mobility" and "ubiquity" in French: I Mobiquité; English: mobiquity or cellubiquity).Apparently, the creator of this new word is the Frenchman Xavier Dalloz, a specialist in new information and communications technology (ICT).The movicuidad has to do with anyone who consults the internet, surfing the web, etc., and not only at home or at work or at an Internet cafe, using a personal computer (PC, personal computer), but also any person can do in a cafe, in a burger as McDonald's, in a park or garden city, sidewalk, street, in your car, on a bus, etc., by using a cell phone (mobile) computer notebook (laptop), smartphone, tablet ... You can browse the web, make a visit to any website, etc., instantly, what connoisseurs call real time.

Nonsense CCLXI.
Walter Peralta.

Yesterday, when I walked down a street named February 5, at a gas station I spotted Walter Peralta, the sympathetic Walter. I greeted him.'We were classmates in elementary school ... 1970 ... I think he occupied the position of midfielder when we played football in the Club Campestre ... He was an average student ...After refueling, it was parked "out there", and told me many things.For example, he said he has several centers of inspiration, one of them is his bed when you wake up "early" (before the alarm sounds) is very careful not to wake his wife (who by this time would become a nuisance), take your cell phone and write on it all the business ideas that will come to mind.Another center is the garden inspiration morning; early exits in his pajamas and slippers, open the hose faucet and let the water flow notes in his cell while his fabulous ideas ...We walked an old cantina opposite, to take some beers Miller Genuine Draft and Corona Extra, and Walter continued his lively and extensive discussion.

Nonsense CCLXII.
Three elegant ladies.

I heard strange voices outside in the wind, a discussion.I opened the door-window and saw that there were three elegant ladies: fantasy disguised reality (her dress, golden color), disguised life (white dress) death, and lies masquerading as truth (violet). That trio of tricky ladies almost fool me.

Nonsense CCLXIII.
—The Price is low, forty pesos.
—Per kilogram? No, by the bushel.

Nonsense CCLXIV.
Two dilettantes.

However being a non space time continuum, they float to find that beautiful place on flowery hills, slightly movientes winds, dense neblinosidades fits stream with nectar and ambrosia morning, served by the angel of harmony on a stump terebinth, to the sound of air of flute and lyre, in an ideal growing environment and carefree dilettantism.Thus, Abel Ana B. and C. can enjoy the scenery, the divine drink, food second to none, and the conversation.

Nonsense CCLXV.
The apex and thirteen other key points.

In intense biennial regular sessions in the Hall of Lost Steps, Barcelona Palace in Aguascalientes, gathered on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 January 2014, the distinguished personalities:Please click on image to enlarge.

1. Physical Giancarlo Vaccari, Count D'Agostini of Italy, one of the 29 wise men of the world today. 

2. Chemical, mathematician and Presbyterian priest Philip Knox, Scotland. 

3. Philosopher Ruperto Rodiles Rendon, of Costa Rica. 

4. architect Lucinda Van Diemen, the Netherlands. 

5. Sociologist Helen R. Platt, United States of America.

6. Gabriel Gamboa Gok Mineralogist, Sister Republic of Yucatán. 

7. Historian Roland Kirkland, baron of Shaftesbury, England.

8. Episcopalian bishop, translator and interpreter Borboa Raul Medina y Cuervo, Chile. 

9. Clerk Melissa Cooper of Australia.

10. Fizeau Surveyor and surveyor Marcel, France.

11. Brenda Geographer Sloman, Wales, one of the 29 wise men of the world today. 

12. Astronomer Mario Carvajal Salido of Mexico. 

13. Electronic Engineer Marcia Moens of Belgium.

14. civil engineer and earthquake engineer Bryan McDivitt, Canada. 

15. Chemical and physical Nadia Dealescu, Romania, one of the 29 wise men of the world today. 

16. Neurologist and neurosurgeon Fernando Fuentes Falcón, of Spain, one of the 29 wise men of the world today.

17. Mathematical Kalgorov Dmitri of Russia. 

18. Futurist Camilo Soares, Brazil.

19. Ophthalmologist Lucia da Cunha, Portugal.

20. automotive and locomotive engineer Nicolas Cardetti CANEZ of Peru. 

21. science fiction novelist Rodrigo Melendez Arguedas, of Bolivia. 

22. agronomist and extension Karla Lourdes Ruiz-Julia, of Colombia, one of the 29 wise men of the world today. 

23. Veterinary Marisela Ulloa Frias of Venezuela. 

24. Computer engineer Yasuhiro Yoshida, Japan, one of the 29 wise men of the world today. 

25. Astrophysical Hellstrom Gustav of Sweden.

In these sessions, assisted by near-anorexic hostesses, were served coffee, teas, Electropura water, shortbread, Italian reds and whites, Spanish and French, olives, capers, smoked oysters, beef jerky ... never been allowed scientists from crappy, ultracorruptos, below countries, underdeveloped, or banana, such as Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, China, African republics, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar or Burma, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan republics, etcetera.

After dilated exhibits, arguments, discussions, arguments, shots and intellectual Dacas, these 25 remarkable world science had to agree to draft a Rapporteur Infallible, impartial, objective, polythematic, Transectorial, Multidisciplinary, Ultimate and irreplaceable on the Empire of immutable truth and the eternal laws of success, with epistemological, logical, metaphysical and dialectical foundations incontrovertible, irrefutable, consistent and decisive.Paragraph 22 states that in the universe there is only fourteen key points, whose location will keep a secret once, in the safe of the International Association for Special Affairs and Disciplines (IASAD), on the top floor of the Palacio Condal (Count Palace), and revealed the respective positions of three:

1) The center of the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, where a black hole exists. 

2) The apex. 

3) The center of the Monumental bullring or Nuevo Progreso, between Calle Mitla (north), Pyrenees Mountains (west), and Puerto Ensenada (south), in Guadalajara, or Wad-al-hidjara or Arriaca, Xalisco state:,-103.32535,526m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en To → 20.702085 -103.3253520.702085 degrees north latitude, degrees North latitude,103.32535 ​​degrees west longitude degrees West longitude.20 ° 42 '07,506 "N, 103 ° 19' 31.26" W.Turns out some 300 meters from the bullring in the estate which I reside is: ⌂Any individual who shall presume to contradict or ignore any of these 25 remarkable quasi omniscient, either on this Infallible Rapporteur or any other of its perfect decisions, will be banished for life to the Sahara, the Gobi Desert, or the Sonoran Desert, at its option, because of its supine ignorance, anti-science and chafismo (low quality, and cutrismo [crappy quality]).To show the strength of his final statements, the 25 dignitaries have signed to fit. Subsequently antisolemne has made a gift exchange ceremony. Each has taken more than 30 present to distribute to others, and some additional gifts that have been allocated to members of the majestic domestic Condal Palace.It is clear that in the meetings held on 14 and 15 January 2014, attended the Grand Perico Green, a native of certain length beyond the 90 degrees West, in the torrid zone north or cancer. Without the help of this hack sinople the work of 25 distinguished men had not come to fruition because each and every one of them secretly consulted discrete or (from outside his cage of course) for any clarifications and questions. This unique bird is smarter sinople that all seven billion human beings TODAY WE LIVE TOGETHER TODAY ON PLANET EARTH. * It feeds, as they used to, with sunflower seeds, and purified water in this case cold, the Sierra Cold registered brand because this parrot, like all human beings, is also something incongruous sight that drinking cold water Cold Mountain brand when it comes from tropical sites ... apparently that (his immovable incongruity) it He has learned to their masters, a couple of scientists ... Anyway ...* Tested and certified the 01/01/2014, by the International Assessment Association (IAA), International Association for the Evaluation.

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