domingo, 12 de enero de 2014


Nonsense CLXXII.
Transmutator at a subnuclear scale.

As of Thursday, January 15, 2015 (01/15/2015), at the suggestion of Scottish physicist Angus Penninfberg (1988- ), every home, office, workplace, factory, workshop, shop, school, church in the world should have a transmutator of chemical elements (it costs only one U.S. dollar), and a compressor to liquefy part of atmospheric nitrogen. The transmuting machine will take nitrogen (N, atomic number 7) and it will produce almost any chemical element from fluorine (F, atomic number, 9) to uranium (U, atomic number, 92), with the exception of copper, silver, gold, and platinum. As for the low levels that nitrogen could reach in the atmosphere, governments and entrepreneurs should apply measures to create this fabulous gas, this will be done in order to prevent fires and... to maintain its level of 78 percent of the volume of air in the Earth...

Nonsense CLXXIII.

Filltrician hollows.
Filltrician hollows, contractive-expansive, in perennial swing:

cubic sphericity
spherical cubicity
hypercube (or hyperhexahedron) , Mobius strip , Klein bottle...

Squaring the circle... it was discovered by Archimedes, the Archimedes constant is (pi ), or 3.14159265...

The Greek letter π (pi) represents: the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, id est, a diameter fits pi times the corresponding circumference, that is, a diameter fits 3.14159265 times the corresponding circumference, or: a circumference equals 3.14159265 diameters of its respective circle.

darkness light (twilight)
day night (crepuscule)
black white (gray)
violet red (green)
empty full (half)
zero infinite
minus plus
less more
subtraction sum
division multiplication
root power
province capital
anarchy dictatorship
chaos order
gas solid (liquid, gel)
misery abundance (mediocrity)
dry soaked (wet)
bland flavored
abyss top
break work
leisure business
inaction action
female male
ovule spermatozoid (zygote)
woman man
statics dynamics
slowness speed
deceleration acceleration
point universe
dimensionless four-dimensional (x, y, z, t)
straight curve
convex concave
pure mixed
calm storm
cold heat
yin yang
tenant landlord
employee employer
citizen ruler
subject sovereign
student teacher
slavery freedom
death life
nothing everything.

Nonsense CLXXIV.
Perfect sinusoid.

The elusive perfect sine curve still waiting crouched in a corner of the galaxy to be discovered by a physicist or a civil engineer.

Note: In the chart above, the purple line is the sine curve, while the blue line is the cosinusoid.

In the chart below, the blue curves are tangent. When they are approaching 90 and -90 degrees and the multiples of these values, and tend to infinity minus infinity, respectively.


Nonsense CLXXV.
The lifetime chancellor.

Permanent Sealtenant, Kanzler Seal of the Foca, has four enigmatic seals, he commissioned a printing concern and seal shop situated four blocks from his palace:

The first seal is a circular one and has circumscribed the figure of a prancing and spirited horse, and a mysterious inscription in Sanskrit, the mother of Indo-European languages.

                                                         ब्य् हर्द्स्हिप्स् तो थे स्तर्स्  

The second seal is triangular and presents within the figure of the falcon Horus and a secret and hieroglyphic phrase, in the most ancient, mystical, and original Egyptian language.

The third seal is hexagonal, and holds in the figure of a beautiful bee in flight and some maxims in ancient Greek language, about Nemesis, the Greek goddess of vengeance and distributive justice.

 Νέμεσις είναι η ελληνική θεά της εκδίκησης και της διανεμητικής δικαιοσύνης


The fourth and last seal is a rhombus; in the inside, it shows the "majestic" figure of a crowned double-headed eagle, and a strange inscription in the most academic and orthodox Latin language of the first century B.C. (BCE).

 Aquilarum non cadunt, sed ad spatium descendent in fugam

The individual who decipher the four entries will receive a laptop computer as a prize, courtesy of Bee Computers, Incorporated.

The great sealant has acquired a large monumental sealmania, and [he] is dedicated to indelibly, permanently and "forever" seal almost everything which belongs to others human beings: chairs, desks, shelves, doors, windows, mirrors, walls, photos, documents, bank notes (legal tender), sales notes and tickets, newspapers, books and magazines for sale in supermarkets and bookstores, packages, boxes, and cans of products sold in supermarkets and drugstores; fruits such as apples, oranges, and especially pears and bananas, slices of ham and yellow cheese, sausage winnies, automobiles, television sets, speakers, computers, clothing, furniture, poles, bread box, baguettes, Mexican tortillas and Spanish tortillas, and so forth. He even stamps seals on locus sigilli.

Nonsense CLXXVI.
Dear brethren and sistren, ahem... we salute you.

In order to know the sublime mysteries of the retroprojected Intraworld and the avantprojected Extraworld, you need to buy two white candles (beeswax, or stearic acid of exclusively vegetable origin, or paraffin), get up in a bipedestrian position in front of a mirror in the midst of darkness, light both candles with a single wooden match and put each at one and the other side, respectively, of yourself, in separate holders, candlesticks or over empty glass bottles, look at yourself in the mirror and open, on page 39, the Manual of reformed, ultrasynaptic, multivalent, philoepistemic, redundant, and epicyclic selfreverberant sophistry, follow the instructions printed there, then carefully read the second paragraph on page 17, drink a cup of Spanish red wine, and... methodically and disciplinedly wait up until a cloud passes in front of the Moon; if you live in a desert area, please expect the whistle of the cricket or that of the scorpion, or the cawing of a crow —if you are clearly unlucky and nothing of the above happens, look up to the sky, and with your index finger point to the reddish star Betelgeuse, and tell her, "Hi Bet", and hey presto!... you will happen to know the sublime mysteries.

Nonsense CLXXVII.
The illustrious level 4.

At Level 4 four of the crevices and convolutions, there is the overlying abstraction layer, submolecularly intussuscepted by phosphates, sulfates, permanganates, various data, scribbles, two ducks, and a few cats.

Such quaternary layer is a self-evident, axiomatic and incontrovertible entity, but in a strictly ontological sense, dependent on other realities, such as the ellipsoidal inarticulate ephemeralism.

Nonsense CLXXVIII.
Laminated laminoid.

Once upon an individual who ate almost all of his food in a laminated shape: yellow cheese, bologna and other sausages, ham, salami, lemon pie, bread, pudding, gelatin, jam, wheat flour tortillas, rice, coconut bars, chocolate bars, fruits and vegetables... he was an assistant manager of a plastics extrusion company, especially low-density polyethylene (LDPE)... where they made plastic sheets, laminated plastic...

Nonsense CLXXIX.
Desktop 1908.

Old walnut desk, eight drawers, plus a large horizontal drawer, two credenzas, large archive furniture, two luxury lamps, eight feet high each; rack, executive chair, three chairs for visitors... an antique made ​​in Kansas in 1908 by the Kansas Office Furniture Company, Incorporated, all walnut, all for sixteen thousand dollars.

Nonsense CLXXX.
Spartan .
Omnidirectional movent, as a true Spartan warrior of the pre-Christian era.

Nonsense CLXXXI.
Practical front light, it clarifies everything.

Nonsense CLXXXII.
Diffuse images.

Diffuse images, profuse information, infused science, the apprentice musician fills a measure with 32 demisemiquavers, at the studio semidiffuse lights leap and dance, in the air there are retrodiffuse radiations, and all these confusing situations leave people stupefied.

Nonsense CLXXXIII.
Ehemeral node.

Ephemeral node of communications, a node that was self-created and self-destructed with electro-synaptic connections. Something like the eighth wonder of the modern world. Powered by weak and cheap energy from an apparatus made and based upon old sketches and formulas of Croatian-American engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) .

Nonsense CLXXXIV.
"Not so." Contraceptive pill, or transistor.

Boo! to the awkward editors of The Economist, who on December 23, 1999 wrote that the contraceptive pill (synthesized in 1951) may be seen in 3000 A.D. as "the invention that defined the twentieth century "...

I strongly consider that "the invention that defined the twentieth century" should be the transistor. Its predecessors were the resistor and the thyratron; and a later invention was the thyristor.

The transistor, which revolutionized electronics and facilitated to have smaller and cheaper radios, televisions sets, calculators, and computers, was invented in 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley, all of them American, who jointly received the Nobel Prize in Physics 1956.

The transistor is a solid-state electronic device which is used to control the flow of electricity in electronic equipment, and generally is composed of a small block of a semiconductor (such as germanium ) with three or more electrodes.

Nonsense CLXXXV.

Morning chills, variographically targeted as per the typology of Olhúyar (a fictional chemical engineer).

Nonsense CLXXXVI.
You, Añel, who are reversibly standing up to the left side of Peter, please tell him your lawn needs an ordinary mow.

Nonsense CLXXXVII.
Argentine and hydrargyric ball.
Rotating silver-and-mercury sphere, with an axis spiraloidly movent according to royal pantometric scales.

Polymorphic Systematics.

Polymorphic Systemtics, properly angled as the oldest colonial guidelines explicitly described in the Codices of Intendancy and Family Estate, of 1787, written on vellum paper by scribes at the service of his honourable grace, the Baron Raymundo de Valmaseda y Sifuentes, the highest authority in the Intendancy of San Luis Potosí, and who used to personally execute rogues and scoundrels with his sword.

Nonsense CLXXXIX.

In Fantasyland, please get on the Slow Pseudo-express of the Desert, second class. It's a train that runs on a railway parallel to the coastline and the fabulous Cisterranean peninsula, built by engineer Jeffrey Yllán-Caudovis.

Nonsense CXC.
Exoregulated, omnifuge, sidereal, variative fullness.

Nonsense CXCI.
The pagnacorvism.

The pagnacorvism is a method of making sweet bread devised by Luca Pagnacorvi in 1768 in Milan.

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