sábado, 11 de enero de 2014


Nonsense XXVII.
The equation of my life.
In the equation of my life, I look also to clear the x, but how difficult it is. It is more arduous than when I solved in High School.

We have to consider the factors, remove/eliminate exponents, add and subtract, multiply and divide, simplify and eventually clear the x, that in life is the more complicated task. Ah!, and after having solved the riddle, one has to find an application to the solution found.

Nonsense XXVIII.
The universal cosmic consciousness.
After parking his grey Vokswagen Sedan 2003, having gotten off his car, sit in a film director chair, and drunk three bottles of beer, two Miller and one Corona, in that order, of 325 milliliters each, the mathematician, physicist, anthropologist, researcher and writer Roberto Alcaraz-Espinosa took his laptop computer, opened the scientific calculator, a spreadsheet program called Calc, a word processor created by the same Alcaraz and defined in minutes a particular paradigm of universal cosmic consciousness, on Wednesday, January 2, 2013, at 6:10 am, 240 feet east of the Highway #54, Guadalajara-Saltillo, in the town of Ixtlahuacán del Río, Jalisco, near coordinates 103.178º (-103º 10 '40.8”) West longitude and 21 degrees North latitude, in a wooded area, a quasi grove.

There is no more, this is the ultimate solution for almost everything, to chaos, to entropy, even for the riddles of the future and even to stop absolutely the flow of time and neutrinos, and get to absolute zero (0º K, zero degrees kelvin).


Nonsense XXIX.

Billy was swimming in salt water, and it was getting dark. He did not mind the distant closeness of his floater and the extreme bravery of the sea. All he wanted was dodge jellyfishes and get to the beach.
            He swam and swam to shore, until a large wave threw him to the sand.
            He was safe, turned to his right, where the Moon announced its rise. His wife, Mary Karmen Saldaña-Carrillo, heiress and who put up the capital for his company, offered him another Indio beer.
            They were in Miramar, north of the port of Manzanillo. He took his copy of the novel Like the sea, by Walter Peralta-Cunningham, the most famous writer at the time.
            He decided to return to Las Brisas beach, to go on with his drinking. When driving his Chevrolet reflected that, because of his recklessness, he could have died that afternoon. There was only one lifeguard on the beach.
            In the city of Colima a good business was waiting for him. He grab his cell phone and call one of his partners, asked him to request the future client that if he could wait another day (they had already offered him a big discount).
            Within half an hour, his partner, Enrique Valverde-Hatchshield, called him and informed him that everything was okay.
            One of their business was the leasing of heavy machinery, donated by some billionaires who decided to pursue another business venture... in exchange for a receipt of a private assistance institution, that Guillermo Ronaigues-Onquivel himself had established just four days earlier. A brilliant move to avoid taxes, which required the participation of a tax expert.

Nonsense XXX.
My Basque, Spanish and Amerindian ancestry.
I descend from Africans, as all mankind.
            Mythically, I descend from Visigoths commoners who came to Iberia or Hispania from some land (now in Ukraine), located between the Dnieper and Danube rivers; also, I descend from Basque (euskaldunak), Castile, Leon, Cantabria, Extremadura, Catalonia people, and Amerindians: Nahuas (Aztecs) sayultecas, Toltecs, caxcanes, tecuexes and cocas.
            I am guadalajarense 100 percent, and 110 percent jalisciense.
            I consider myself lucky having no Celtic blood, neither: Arabic, Hebrew, Tarascan (Purhepecha) and Huichol (Wixarika), all of them inferior peoples.
            The family names of some of my ancestors are: Ochoa (in Basque language, Otxoa), Gonzalez, Reyes, Corona, Ortiz-Liñán, Ávalos, González, Álvarez, Güízar, Bracamontes...

Nonsense XXXI.
Ultrascopic approach to yoctometrica vibrations.
An ultrascopic approach to different yoctometric synchronous vibrations, of negative or positive charge, neutralizing ultrairregular alternating four-dimensional motion or in combination, quasi ellipsoidal parahelicoidal, metasymptotic and maybe it will allow searching in the interior of 18 types of subquarks by the year 2015.

Nonsense XXXII.
Smooth curves.
Given the ineffectiveness of orthogonality in transportation —who came up with this idea?— the participants chose to move in obtuse angles, smooth curves, and when they could, in straight line, in: skates, skateboards, unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, all terrain vehicles, and trucks, as appreciated from the heights of the dunes (Miller beer in hand), near La Playa Azur (The Blue Beach).

Nonsense XXXIII.
Causes and effects.
Causes that have apparently ceased, because the action is no longer evident, pseudo-paradoxically can increase their impact and strength, with precedence over other agents, even against the will of those individuals or groups harmed of not benefited from those. This is often a reality in politics, economics, social sciences or humanities... but not in physics, chemistry...

Sometimes these situations are related to the mysterious phenomenon of human perversity, that always turns against itself.

Nonsense XXXIV.
Induced amnesia.
Doctor Wenceslao Huerta-Graf determined for the offender selective amnesia alter- exo- or iatroinducted (psychological or biochemical hypnosis, pills, or injections) to forget their crimes, reduce or cease their feelings of guilt and self-destruction, so that he can increase productivity in the orchards and fields of the island prison, then he will see his sentence reduced to 27 years by a third and perhaps make it out alive from the island prison, located in Blum-Blam.

Nonsense XXXV.
Rye and cheese.
Standing on the very top of Mount Alpha-Alea, the cheesemaker and rye grower, when saw toward the South gazes the most serene town which rarely he goes to. It's six pm on Thursday and will have completed another day of work.

The barn contains more than two tons of rye. Tomorrow, a trader will come to buy the dark cereal and six dozen cheeses 20 kilograms (44 pounds) each.

He expects a payment of at least 10,320 euros. Not bad for a rich farmer who lives in a valley all his property, north of Mount Alpha-Alea.

Nonsense XXXVI.
The Universe under the arm or in your pocket.
The universe condensed or summarized in a book, for example, Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado, Almanaque Mundial, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, The World Almanac and Book of Facts, Time Almanac with Information Please, Almanacco Barbanera (Italian), etcetera. The cosmos may be carried under the arm. Or, if it's a smartphone, then the universe, a real continent that has become virtual content, may be carried in a pocket, purse, belt...

Nonsense XXXVII.
Adaptational air reverberations without restrictions in constructive, optional, meditative, quiet and very long —almost timeless— expectation for terrestrial nocturnal, big-eye mini-mammals (including opossum) that die from the action of the biped archer (during daylight, peripatetic) (ir)rational worshiper of the god Ocelot, in the year of Our Lord MDX, no certainties, no fire, in total silence lurking in the dim moonlight, at the ford and on a runway in the secondary stream northern outskirts of the village of Tlaxomulco, in the kingdom of Tonallan, province of Nueva Galicia, future Xalisco territory, west of the Mexican America.

Nonsense XXXVIII.
Transreceptase for Elmer.
The high specificity of the coenzyme transreceptase and a rare airborne exoenzyme, called pseudo-revertase, acting synchronously and jointly on the nasal glia have allowed Elmer to get rid of stress, and now that a physician has added the optional synthetic synthetase R-2 enzyme via oral, his memory —power and retention— has increased by at least sesquiplication.

Nonsense XXXIX.
Herniated disc.
A herniated disc can press some segments of the spinal cord and cause pain, organ dysfunction, limitations, from simple movements to ambulation, and so on. This hernia can be treated by stretching and very light contractions, repeated, even on daily basis, where necessary, of the spine, suspension or hanging upon the individual via use of a harness that fits your neck, in order to open the intervertebral disc spaces. This must be done not by any naturist technician, but by a chiropractor with deep medical knowledge.

Nonsense XL.
Second class.
The second class is cheaper, or less expensive.

Nonsense XLI.
Imitations and substitutes.
Adulteration, imitation, forgery, appearances, simulations, being sold pigs in pokes, add roasted chickpeas to coffee, are unpleasant things, are hoaxes, and may involve dishonesty and fraud, such as chicken posole* (pork’s is the authentic thing), surimi, fake fish stew, really soy stew;  German silver (fake silver, an alloy of copper, nickel, and zinc), light milk, light beer, light cigarettes, synthetic cheese and synthetic cream, synthetic (chemical or vanillin) vanilla; biographical novels that aim to fill real or imaginary gaps of some real biographies...

*A thick soup chiefly of Mexico and the United States Southwest made with pork, hominy, garlic, and chili.

I invite you to not buy/consume these products, do not let yourselves be defrauded, and if you buy, ask for a substantial discount, except when you have other reasons (for example, if you are vegetarian, in the case of soy stew) or when you agree having purchased something that is not what it resembles... and you have paid a smaller amount of money compared with what you would have paid if would have bought a genuine product.

Nonsense XLII.
Oh, water!,* Your gaseousity or vaporeity, liquidity or fluidity (and solvency), robustness ... of countless molecules, as well as a triple point are admirable.

*Also known facetiously as “hydroxic acid”, “dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO)”, and  “hydrogen hydroxide” (or “hydroxide of hydrogen”).

Homo ignorantis tardus –that is, the human species–, erroneously self-named Homo sapiens sapiens has bothered to deduct, notwithstanding its great and supine ignorance,** that, thanks to you, oh water!, especially in your liquid state, it has been possible the origin and sustaining of life.

Life... a unique, ancient, continuous, and unrepeatable process in the universe... vitagenous, vitaferous, and invigorating, in the biosphere, where, according to the latest classifications, there are five kingdoms: (1) Monera or Procaryotae (prokaryotic or prokaryote), (2) protist, (3) fungi (fungi that are heterotrophic without locomotion) (4) plantae (plants which are autotrophic without locomotion), and (5) animalia (animals that are heterotrophic with locomotion).

**Stultorum infinitus est numerus (The number of fools is infinite), according to the Vulgate version of Saint Jerome, from the second part of 1:15 of the book Ecclesiastes (Qohelet), which since 1979 is not official, as the Nova Vulgate of the Roman Catholic Church now reads: ... quod deficiens est, numerari non potest (... what is lacking cannot be counted).

Nonsense XLIII.
Violet: a wavelength of 400-450 nanometers (nm).
Undisputed leadership, high moral authority, macro-sapience, creative hyperactivity, self-appointed philosopher and polyglot, astrophysicist, sociologist, philologist and futurist Bartiss Ausonius (1979- ), a rapidly rising star according to the antepenultimate avatar Marto Plenix: and behold, Bartiss. the nec plus ultra of everythingism, has expressed that the instantaneous concentration of a grand cosmic energy is obtained by using a large violet filter placed between the person and the Sun, so that color light (whose wavelength is approximately between 400 and 450 nanometers [400-450 nm], or between 4,000 and 4,500 angstroms [4000-4500 å]) bathe the body of the interested individual in order to attain an alleged esoteric power. There is no such. Actually a guy who believes this fosters a formidable autosuggestion to undertake almost anything.

Nonsense XLIV.
Derivative procedures stratified stratified toward irreversible anaphasic, newchanging peripherication, for the sake of a generic feedback pancoverage, except in the cases of specific determinant incidences; then it will be correlativevalent and multiple interacting.

Nonsense XLV.
She and the urine therapy.
Yadira Saira Insunza-Ordaz, 26 years old, said:
I used to run through the desert near the ranch of my parents; one day I went beyond the mountains, and as I had forgotten the compass, after advancing during four hours I was lost for two days. In such place, there is no cell phone signal. When Dr. Pepper soda and the Cold Sierra water were finished, I decided to drink my urine to survive, which was an easy thing thanks to two years earlier I had followed the method of urine therapy of Doctor Agatha Aguiar-Águila.

Nonsense XLVI.
Slow osmosis.
Slowly osmosis —hypodynamic— however the high osmolarity of the superfluid created by Xluzia, Inc. The researcher #17 will investigate the causes of this anomaly.

Nonsense XLVII.
Continued progress in philosophy and theoretical physics.
Archetypical, prototypical deuterotypical, stereotypical, endless, and even atypical, have been the approach, the development and evolution of philosophy —logic, epistemology, metaphysics, ontology...— since the Ionians Tales of Miletus and Heraclitus, to Jacques Maritain, Martin Heidegger and Jean Baudrillard, as well as those of theoretical physics... and will remain so until the extinction of the human species.

Nonsense XLVIII.
Friendly hotels with the environment.
Generally, hotels friendly to the environment (eco-friendly or “green”) are very expensive.

Nonsense XLIX.
Sacred Book XXII (XXII Liber Sacrum).
The Sacred Book XXII of the great secrets, domains, keys and interpretations was written on a personal computer (PC) PS2 IBM (International Business Machines) adapted to support texts in Sanskrit language, in 1991 by International Grandmaster, chancellor penultimate avatar Luxar, after 21 days of ultrameditation de profundis in the highest, most comfortable and luxurious Western mount in the Ellesta Desert, where he used to consume ambrosia, nectar, spring water, powder of duke —polvoraduque (an ancient Spanish tea made with water, cinnamon, cloves, ginger root, and sucrose [table sugar])—, black tea, honey, beeswax, and royal jelly, cabin and royal jelly in a mental exercise under the astral telepathic ineffable inspiration and authority of the supreme universal wise women Atlanticana, who lives in a high tower (840 feet high), in Islandya, an international independent island in the Atlantic Ocean.

Such volume, which is something like a compendium of sapientiae summum et infinitum, even in the hands of underprivileged, apathetic, failed, miserable and wannabes, produces the most formidable changes may have on the planet in the twenty-first century.

The book is numbered XXII, because it would be released in the next century (22nd), but thanks to the generosity and vision of great publishers to Learning Development, has been offered for sale in this century, so the “wretched humanity” and take advantage and get out of its slump, prostration, ignorance, superstition, prejudice and stupidity.

Currently there are versions in Sanskrit, modern Greek, Latin, English, Castilian, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, German and Czech.

It has a list price of one dollar, and you can buy it at your favorite bookstore Max Q, or online at the site www,ephemeraltruths.com

Nonsense L.
Sinusoid subterraneanity.
Modern trains propulsed by magnetic levitation always move to travel over electromagnetic fields located in tunnels, in a sinusoidal line optimized to accelerate the polysequential impulse fully coordinated. Each train has a weight of 4,000-5,000 tons.

Nonsense LI.
The beatific complacency, exultant, exhilarating a display of bourgeois decadence, dilated, carefree, plenisatisfactory, like an ascending soap bubble, typical of the middle class, and presents its credentials of glamorous aspiration, almost a paradise regained...

Nonsense LII.
W. T.
The engineer Wulfrano Torre always wears gray suit. It has many of that color in various shades: Oxford gray, battleship gray, gunmetal, silver gray, steel gray, cloud gray, rat gray, and so on. His shirts are white or light-colored… owns some 40 ties, and many pairs of black shoes and boots. He is spartanly austere, conservative, a committed supporter of the establishment, like their parents and grandparents were. He owns numerous scientific and academic competitions, an innovative and revolutionary in the field of construction of ditches, canals and especially all kinds of tunnels, using German Herrenknecht tunnel boring machines.

He is a homeroom teacher, obtained four professorships through competition at two universities in his hometown: topology, geodesy, calculus, and physics.

Nonsense LIII.
Dataferous epistemoducts.
The internetic dataferous epistemoducts of the 21st century must be heteronoticeable by multifactorial, omnidirectional competition, while all data, information and knowledge, dates, hours and minutes, actions, events, people, places, names, ideas, discoveries, inventions, modes, methods, manners, motivation, et cetera (who, what, when, where, how, why, what for...) must be classifiable and euriokeibles (findable) databasically, conditions also indispensable for collection, capture, reception, storage, management, processing, selection, search, retrieval, display and visibility, scanning, printing, compression, encryption, collation, comparison, approval, referral, sending or forwarding data and information, all focused to an optimized use of the available time to learn to do, to work...

Nonsense LIV.
Anomalies and constructivism.
The destabilizing, endogenous, intussusceptibles, self-phatic abnormalities usually and fortunately are exoadjustable, juxtacolocationals, intraassimilables, somocontrolled and catabolic, thanks to a nanointervention.

The neotaxonomic, renewal, exopropulsed and multisector hyperspecialization seeks to establish, heterodynamically and modularly, different paradigms specific for each branch or field of science, by tracking the Vygotskian constructivist model monodisciplinarily applied.

This idea considers the hypotheses in the sense that order can come from chaos (or vice versa) to be irrelevant, since both have coexisted since the beginning of the universe.

Nonsense LV.
Longitudinal planing.
The longitudinal planing of the warp of cloth, human hair, and that of horses, rabbits, cats, dogs and other animals produces a positive electrostatic charge that causes the wires, threads, hairs, bristles, et cetera, repel each other.

Nonsense LVI.
The Nerazzurri* wasp.
*Italian for Black-blue.
The cyclic disaggregation allows neosequential, inherent, coming-and-going. branched modular rearrangement of the determinants elements of the underlying, multiple and differentiated interplay according to maximized oscillating orientation of the antennas of the beautiful Nerazzurri wasp adjusted to 0.5 Hz frequency for the male, and 0.4 for the female during the sinusoidal flights of one and another in the pursuit of pure nectar that is abundant in the prairie provinces of Shangri-Lá, Xanadu and Paradiso as per the last  reports of entomologist Tricia V. McFadden, transmitted through the new and rapidly growing social network Kyxien.

It is scientifically proven, by the inductive method, that any copy of Nerazzurri wasp is smarter than 99.9999 percent of human beings, meaning that only 70,000 people can compete with him in an acceptable level of knowledge test, demonstration of skills and abilities and appropriate response to any types of conflicts.

Nonsense LVII.
Axiomatic expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam®).
Axiomatic expanded polystyrene manufactured integrally in zebra visual design patterns with limited randomness by default scales and algorithms, and based on the Euclidean space and local time in the following coordinates x, y, z, t: 4-8, 16-32, 256-272, 57.

Nonsense LVIII.
Disorder of the Day
Then the vice president "B" of improvised ephemeral the assembly will call the Disorder of the Day, in sequence or progression points to be vented: 5, 7, 2, 9, 3, 1, 4, 6, 8, 0, -1.

The first four digits of the Disorder of the Day (5 7 2 9) “reflect” the approximate value of a radian (without a dot), which is obtained by dividing 180 degrees (a semicircle) between π (pi) : 180/3.14159265 = 57.2957795...

The next three digits (3 1 4) “reflect” the approximate value of π (pi) [without a dot]: 3.14159265 ...

The next digit is 6, the first perfect number (“perfect number” is defined as: positive integer equal to the sum of its positive divisors, excluding itself). Other perfect numbers are: 28, 496, 8128, 33550336.

The next digit is 8 or 2 cubed: 2 ^ 3. Nothing remarkable.

The next digit is the famous zero.
The invention of the number 0 is credited to the Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhatta (476-550 AD). The Arabs learned the use of the zero from India, and took it to Europe after 800 AD. The first evidence of the use of the symbol we know today as zero: 0, dates from the seventh century AD.

The Greeks and Romans apparently did not need the number zero, as did their arithmetic calculations with abacuses.

The Maya of Mesoamerica used to write a number of glyphs to represent the zero since at least 36 BC on their Long Count calendar, but there are eight earliest Long Count calendars found by archaeologists outside Maya territories. The American zero was possibly an invention of the Olmecs. However, the Mayans did not spread much its use, or no one else learned about it, and when the Mayan empire collapsed the number zero was forgotten.

It is significant that the word comes from the Italian language: zero (one of the first European cities that adopted the use of 0 was Florence), that Italian word comes from lower Latin zephyrum, and this one, in turn, comes from Arabic sifr (“empty”).

Finally, the last digit is a negative number (minus-one), included because of a silly sally.

The assembly, which will be conducted by force of screaming and yelling, and among hits with serapes, will last two and a half hours, and almost all points will be satisfactorily resolved. However, two numbers, 0, and -1, will stay unresolved… maybe in a more distant in a future session… these could be solved.

Nonsense LIX.
The Alkaline Earth Club.
The Alkaline Earth Club, despite its name, does not specialize in the study of the chemical elements in group II (six, in the second column of the periodic table of the chemical elements by Dmitri Mendeleev [1834-1907]), whose valence is +2.

Some of the members of the circle are everythinglogists, polymaths, and at least apparently, scholars and bigwigs, there are also a dozen of ignorant individuals. They integrate this decadent Athenaeum: chemists, lawyers, engineers, journalists, historians, writers, researchers, doctors, high school, undergraduate, and college teachers, avid readers of science, philosophy, law, and literary prose, with an air of low-stuff "intellectuals", scholars, semiwise, pseudo-wise, pundits and ignorant ones (the four journalists, two women and two men, belong to the latter subgroup), who meet on Thursdays from 9:00 pm until late in the night in the home of each, rotationally each week, the president of the meeting is the host of the last meeting, and if he is not present, the event is presided over by the current host. The hosts should have ready: tea, coffee, beer, cold meats, cheese, pickles, potatoes, appetizers, and so on. If someone likes liquor or wine, he/she must bring it.

The place for smokers is the garden, but when they want to participate in any discussion or listening to a lecture, may enter the room or the dining room, without smoking cigarettes, cigars, tobacco-pipes, of course.

The name of this exclusive clan is due to the importance of two chemical elements for the sustaining of life, namely magnesium (Mg, atomic number 12) and calcium (Ca, atomic number 20), two alkaline earth chemical elements. More than half of the human body magnesium is found in bones and teeth. More than 99 percent of the calcium in the human body is found in bones and teeth.

(Magnesium (Mg) forms part of the chlorophyll molecule, a basic substance in the living plant, which is located in an organelle of the cell called chloroplast.
            (Chlorophyll is found in cyanobacteriae, algae and in all organisms that have chloroplasts in their cells, id est, plants.
            (Chlorophyll is an essential pigment in photosynthesis, important biochemical process that allows plants to absorb energy from light.
            (The chlorophyll molecule has two parts: a porphyrin ring (one tetrapyrrole, in this case), and a long chain known as phytol.
            (Vegetal porphyrin has at its center a magnesium ion (Mg2 +), surrounded by four nitrogen atoms, N, many of hydrogen, H, and few of oxygen O.)

            The club consists of 19 men and 19 women. They are 38, the atomic number of strontium (Sr), another alkaline earth chemical element.

Nonsense LX.
A young man dwells in a big city. His father’s house, where he lives, is built on a plot of 11,840 square feet, studied business administration and international trade simultaneously in a prestigious private university.

He drives a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro. Likes to wear clothes Tom Ford, Salvatore Ferragamo, and other fine brands, according to the occasion, but this pseudoyuppie, 23 years old, did not know how to knot his ties, and lacked street wisdom. That is, never attended the University of Life, and rarely was able to see it, always from a distance...

After graduation, accustomed to command, was fired from the company where he worked because he tried to give orders to “half the world” from the second month admitted.

Pretentious, arrogant and proud, has not decided whether to return to seek employment or to start his own company, financed by his father.

The girl he was after, a daughter of a wealthier family, did not pay him the slightest attention, so now he dates an uptown girl, but not elite.

Nonsense LXI.
Infallible blowguns.
The student U. Like Me had several blowguns, with which he launched tablets to his classmates during recess, and sometimes in the classroom during class. When he could, he pointed to the face of his comrades. Mondays used to come to school with up to four packs of tablets. Never was expelled from school, because he is the son of a school inspector, Mistress Florence Winter. When teachers picked his blowgun, he pulled another, and if it was confiscated, he threatened to tell her mother, to which the teachers promised to return it at the end of class.

These abuses ended when in the second grade, Alfred Holders, a rural newcomer pupil, beat so heavily U. Like Me, that this one never again takes his blowguns to the Federico Froebel School Center.

Nonsense LXII.
Tabbatha and liquids.
Aurora and Tabbatha, blue-eyed, with black hair twins, born on Saturday, 02/02/2002, in Playa Bagdad, Matamoros, Tamaulipas (coordinates: latitude 25.825369, longitude -97.152826).

His father is an oceanographer, his mom, a marine biologist.

On Friday, 11/11/2011, his family moved to a house in Puerto Todos Santos, Baja California Sur (coordinates: latitude 23.435542, longitude -110.236277), where the moving Tropic of Cancer will pass in the year of Our Lord 2014.

The younger of the twins, Tabbatha, is a magician, and scientific forecaster Matthaeus Mauro Videns has undoubtedly noted that from July of this year she will be able to infuse temporarily intelligent life to almost any containers that keep liquids with a purity of 90 percent or greater.

So, bottles, glasses, cups, bowls, pans, pots, jars of vinegar, olive oil, soft drinks, soda, perfume, alcohol, booze, drugs dissolved in liquid, diluted, colloids, suspensions, serums and chemical and biochemical solutions; casks, barrels, containers, bags, jugs, flasks, cars with engine oil and transmission oil, water, gasoline, brake fluid, et cetera. Mercury thermometers, they shall come to life, and will love their owners and users.

In the case of stream channels and dams, it will suffice simply 66.6666 percent (2/3) of purity. Rivers, seas and lakes may not never come to life.

Imagine a cup that washes itself, after a human being has drunk, say his/her tea.

Imagine a plastic container containing liquid to develop photographs, and another to fix them (little used in this century), pouring the right amount of solution without involving

Imagine a car with very clean liquid which drives itself, in streets and roads, while his owner reads, thinks or use his cell phone.

Imagine a syringe that injects liquid without any intervention by the nurse.

Imagine a bottle that pours liquor or wine into glasses without human intervention.

Nonsense LXIII.
The stealthy prowler called B-51, in his thirties, a well-dressed fan of Oakland Raiders, and also a fan of grunge music, rounds the lanes and streets of his hometown, usually moves in a Triumph grey motorcycle; adds a chemical substance to the gasoline so his wheeled machine generate purple smoke expelled by the exhaust, and carries a pistol with a silencer. He is the scourge of Baroque exclusive colony, east of Porto Bealeyah away from the docks.

This is a crazy murderer, perhaps millionaire, not a thief.

When bored, he rides the streets with the aim to kill people without distinction, preference or discrimination.

Boss Landis, Commissioner Drake and Detective Harris have found only two weak clues about who may be B-51, and his whereabouts.

Maybe they should ask for help the Avenger Neutronium.

Nonsense LXIV.
La Resolana (The Sunny Place), 1943.
Incidents of Las Bayas and Lo Arado, two small towns in a municipality called La  Resolana (in the Mexican State of Jalisco), on Thursday, October 14, AD 1943:

Farmers Leovigildo Pelayo and Crispín Jiménez rode on their horses from Las Bayas (The Berries) to Lo Arado (The Plowed Land) to claim Prócoro Méndez for the fact that his cattle had entered their lands to destroy and eat the plantations of the former.

The complainants go into the canteen Cuervo Saloon, and then, pretending to collect damages, drew their respective weapons; the cattle raiser did the same.

Prócoro killed Crispín, and Leovi killed Prócoro.

Leovi fled to Lo Arado, followed by Matías Méndez (Prócoro’s father), who also died, shot by the fastest revolver of La Resolana.

So, the account was “settled”.

Leovi never reached prison, because the prosecutor and the judge of First Instance of La Resolana resolved that there would be no investigation.

... They were Leovigildo’s close friends.

Nonsense LXV.
Intelligent synthetic gelatin (ISG).
Intelligent synthetic, benevolent, humanitarian and bioluminescent prepared with doubly distilled water, essential oil of tangerine, glucose, powdered arrowroot, carrageenan, gelatin, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) USP grade (United States Pharmacopeia), propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin 100 percent pure “bacteriae of light”, an extract of jellyfish Aequorea victoria (“crystal jelly”, from the North Pacific), potassium chloride, a chip Aldewrns (chips of this brand are better than those manufactured by Intel and AMD [Advanced Micro Devices]), gyroscope, GPS positioning, battery Maxell, Sony or Renata 1 volt and 4 ohm (selectable amperage by selection of engineer Engelbert Darruish, Please Call Toll Free 01-800-999-9999), and Four Secrets compounds synthesized in a device called Yoctotron Aggregator of Subhadronic and  Subfermionic Particles.

The GSI is metamorphoseable, it usually crawls on sidewalks, homes and gardens.

However, when an emergency arises, it can fly anywhere on the planet at a speed of up to 10,000 feet per second (ft/sec), or approximately 3,000 meters per second

One pound of this ISG is capable of carrying up to three tons of pure water, medicine or any objects, plants, animals and / or people.

As if that were not enough has a cure-it-all accelerator, and its creators are considering the possibility of equip it with a true resuscitator apparatus (not like the ones known, that there are at some top-notch hospitals). The projected market release date is December 2, 2014.

Created in Laboratories Berretxea-Pujol (with plants in Irun and La Seu d'Urgell) with yoctometric second generation technology, in October 2013 a pound cost 50 thousand euro (€ 50,000), but in cases of disaster and economic insolvency it can be provided at no cost, of course after a lot of red tape and cumbersome bureaucracy (filling of forms, et cetera).

Nonsense LXVI.
Fifteen red spheres, and eighteen blue spheres, pending, reflect the artificial light from the east. The sum can be exoteric or esoteric: 33:

33, the age at which Christ willingly gave his life.

33, the maximum degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

33 is a palindromic number, id est, can be read from left to right and vice versa, in the numbering of base 10 (33) as well as in the binary-based numeration: 100001.

Treinta y Tres (Thirty-Three) is a Uruguayan city, capital of the homonymous department.

In the last part of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirthy-Three_Orientals you can read about the controversy about the real number of the “Thirty-Three”. In fact, freemasonry influenced for the naming of the city (Treinta y Tres).

Nonsense LXVII.
It is the same.
Either way will be fine, I will not mind.
So are the democratic, meritocratic, ergocratic, thalassocratic, aristocratic, epistemocratic, and even acratic decisions, even in small groups.

If the result is something I do not want or what's good for me, I will adapt a plan B or C, I am flexible, versatile, multifunctional, transformable, multidisciplinary, transenvironmental, omnipurpose and chameleon, I possess formidable resources and virtually unlimited capabilities, I am an ace, a victor without thoroughly using all of my energies, nor I waste time looking back.

Nonsense LXVIII.
Sacrohieratic Movement.
At exactly 14:14 hours (2:14 pm), local time, on Monday, April 14th, 2014 (04/14/2014) in a secret place close to the small town of Ipala, Jalisco, located (such “secret place”) at 20.233333 degrees north latitude (20° 14'), and -105.561 degrees west longitude (105° 33’ 39.6”), the most benevolent and regional superintendent of the Association will make the fourth and last sacrohieratic movement, a truly transcendental one for the good of the hypercommunity, so you can expect calm under these skies, almost always clear.

This movement will be secret, and until today, its nature and essence have not been disclosed. A mystery of the 21st century to mankind. 

We must make it clear that the first sacrohieratic movement ("twice sacred" is the meaning of this word), which will be executed at 14:00 (2:00 p.m.), will be the following: the superintendent, standing on his tiptoes, will raise his arms vertically to reach the maximum height that he can, with wide open hands, palms toward each other, and with the fingers spread extremely, he will watch for a minimum time of 30 seconds to the West, the Pacificana ocean water and the horizon that divides the deep blue from the sky blue, to the point where the Sun will set in about five and a half hours later.

Nonsense LXIX.
Anticlimatic Utopia.
At a university in Ohio, during the summer holidays of 2004, 18 Hispanic college students established the Athena Club of Wisdom: Patty Garcia, Ana Gomez, Edith Alma, Paloma Fais, Cecy Gaitán, Conny, Aracely, Elvira de la Rosa, Marycruz Guzarte, Elva Narvaez, Mary Castaneda, Elena Salazar, Mary Gonzales, Rosy Gonzales, Ana Alvarado, Aiza Gonzales, Pat Romo, and Lulu Ruiz. All of them hailing from native families of Tamaulipas and Nuevo León.

Among its purposes were counted: 1) To promote the dissemination of science, technology, knowledge. 2) To edit and publish at least 24 books each year. 3) To create an international collegial institution integrated by learned scholars in all disciplines and sciences.

The next year there were bitter disputes in the pursuing of winning the presidency of the association, because there were four million dollars pledged by the Fillmore-Westin Foundation, to promote the mentioned club. There was no agreement, the partnership was dissolved, the group disbanded, and the mentioned Foundation used the money for other charities.

Nonsense LXX.
Scissors and paper.
Tens of molybdenum steel scissors, the brand MoSteel, run autonomously towards a moving pseudogoal made out of printing paper which flees to not perish.

Nonsense LXXI.
Lymph vessels.
Lymph is a useful viscous liquid flowing slowly by lymphatic vessels and of humans, humanoids and other animals.

Nonsense LXXII.
Circular toad or circular frog.
Toad, or frog, are the nicknames or popular names (in Mexico: sapo, or rana) of the circular buoyant plastic- or rubber-made covers in tanks of toilets. These covers cover the discharge valve of clean water at toilets in restrooms

They can be manufactured from rubber (latex), plastic, or a combination of materials. I think the old conical discharge valve covers were made out of high-density polyethylene (also called polyethene).

“I am going to buy a toad (or frog)” at the hardware store.

Nonsense LXXIII.
In the year 1972, there was a young, graceful chilanga (Mexico City native woman) —an odd combination, but it may happen—, named Elena, a recent graduate of Accounting, who moved to Mazatlán, Sinaloa, with her family. In the harbor city she met Víctor Mario (VM), a salesman born there. After 17 months of dating they got married. They settled in a Mazatlan household. A year elapsed, a son was born. After two more years, it came to pass that a friend of Elena phoned to inform her that in Mexico City, or D.F. (Federal District, or Distrito Federal, but lower non-chilanga people mockingly calls it Detritus Fecalis) there is an opportunity, and if Elena lands the job, she will be receiving an amount which triples the salary she is earning in Sinaloa. Although VM repeatedly made it clear during courtship he never was going to dwell in the capital (Mexico City) his naïve wife thought she could convince him to change his mind. After twelve days of bitter arguments, crying... the have opted for a separation.

—“I will visit you to see the child from time to time, when I can, I will let you know ahead of time by phone or telegram. Goodbye”.

—Goodbye, and you know that if you change your mind, there in the Federal District is our future.

—I will not change my mind, you know...

And after one last cold kiss, this time on the cheek, she get on a taxi to go to the train station, the Pacific Railway, the one with green-and-yellow machines. In Guadalajara, she would transship to the National Railways of Mexico, the one with red-and-black machines. VM did not take her to the station because he had several important tasks to do, the kind of ones that do not admit procrastination. But, yes, he did pay for the taxi service.  

Nonsense LXXIV.
Randolph Sterling Terrance, who lives in New Haven, Connecticut 06511, founded an insurance company which sells insurance online against losses on the Stock Exchange of New York, the Stocks Insurance Company (SIC), to a limit: that one which income allows him to pay and retain for his company only 2 percent of such income. In six months he amassed a fortune of 67 million dollars.

On day 1 or 2 of every month he pays investors/shareholders for their losses during the previous month, certain amounts of money which were calculated based on some formulas, one of which involves multiplying the average percentage of losses of each investor, corresponding to a premium given by such investor for the month in question, at least one business day before the start of the month, and take the result of the arithmetic operation as the basis for pay upwards until the company save only 2 percent of income

Nonsense LXXV.
The self-reflection between wavelengths of 400 to 700 nanometers, with infinite redundancy, however heteroperceptible even by the inhabitants of Advedas Hills, across the highway, although there it is not infinite due to the angle of refraction of 30 degrees, allows multiplication and dissemination of data via ultramassive multirreflection of white light in concave mirrors Magnum, its subsequent decomposition into the seven colors of the visible spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, passing through prisms and finally the classification, interpretation, storage and management from cells manufactured out of metalloid chemical elements such as silicon (14) and germanium (32).

Nonsense LXXVI.
Snowy death.
Two Palestinian terrorists attacked in Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) and killed fifteen seals, then a command of four Israeli troops arrived and the aircraft grounded, so it had to land in the snow with some urgency. The six Semites (two Palestinians and four Jews) died during a snowy storm. Danish Foreign Minister, Morten L. Ankersen, lodged complaints because of the incursions of both groups of conky ones.

Nonsense LXXVII.
Rectangular margin defined, whose four sections are equidistant from the central perpendicular axes, on sheets of fine, fabriano or vegetable parchment or demy papers.

Nonsense LXXVIII.
Everythinglogy, documents, and trust.
The Interministerial Commission of Everythinglogy, Copilogy, and Digitizelogy of Documents —deeds, instruments, records, decrees, codes, laws, regulations, reports, conclusions, minutes, official letters, memoranda, minutes, theses, agreements, contracts, powers, wills and all types of public and private writings concerning our administrative functions and jurisdiction— that since two month gives continuous service 24/7, has 60 scanners, 240 networked personal computers and 12 color laser printers, and the Omnipurpose National Trust should coordinate their actions for the benefit of citizens.

Nonsense LXXIX.
Vladivostok, 07/07/2007 (Itar-Tass). The Russian writer Dmitri L. Kostin presented Saturday in this port, his most recent novel, Death in Vladivostok. In the play, with a tangled plot, reveals the reasons why the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB, Committee for State Security) killed spy Sergei Kolmogorov.

Nonsense LXXX.
Old papers and gold.
Alfonso Nava-Villaescusa… when he was digging in the estate of his grandfather Atenógenes Nava to plant a lemon tree outside the town of Tolimán, Jalisco, found clay jars, and inside some old papers indicating two places where the old man had buried pots full of gold since 1911, when in Mexico already winds of internecine war blew.

Alfonso (Alphonse) did not want to share that gold with any of his relatives, so he discoursed a fabulous plan... full of lies and deceptions.

Nonsense LXXXI.
New papers and silver.
“That day, a sheet of printed paper had flown to my feet by the wind blowing from the west,” said the teenager Alberto Villarreal. “It was about jobs. 'An office assistant is required'. 'Salesmen were required.' I went to the concern as indicated, and in two days I was working as an office assistant. Thanks. These are very good recruiters.”

Nonsense LXXXII.
Orion and Septentriones.
Orion (with its red Betelgeuse and its blue Rigel), and Ursa Major, these two constellations are my friends, I gaze at them daily, greet them, and know that many beings on this side of the galaxy respect and acclaim them.  

The Universal Astronomical Council decided to give them silver medals for their valuable functions in benefit of the lower species, such as Homo ignorantis tardus, which is the least underdeveloped of the species that unfortunately people this azuroid planet called Earth, my dear Lexor.

Nonsense LXXXIII.

The disposablism of our society.
Governments should increase taxes on soft drink bottling companies, fast food, cooking oils, dairies, et cetera, for their anti-ecological and polluting actions when they pack their products in non-returnable glass bottles and containers made of aluminum, PET (polyethylene terephthalate), plastic... In the 1970s and earlier there were returnable containers: those of soft drinks, cooking oil, milk...

Nonsense LXXXIV.
Tiny spaces.
The amazing, fabulous and mysterious picospace or picoscope (1 × 10 ^ -12 m) of the wavelength of the gamma rays (the higher frequency, higher energy, and shorter wavelength) is large compared to the incomprehensible, imperceptible nanobarn space (1 × 10 ^ -37 m ^ 2) of the particles far closer to nothing: the “ineffable” neutrinos.

Nonsense LXXXV.
The man, ax in hand (and behind him, his son with a powerful McCulloch chainsaw and brush cutter, grass trimmer or motorized scythe), approached menacingly and started killing in their natural habitat, herbs, plants, shrubs and trees unproductive and parasitic in order to clean the area, which will be useful for fallowing, furrowing, planting and irrigating, thanks to the construction of the new dam.

Nonsense LXXXVI.
Less theft.
The thefts will decrease to 10 percent of those currently committed, when there are video cameras that operate 24 hours a day in all public places, and products/objects/gadgets produced have a unique serial number, included in a broader and universal barcode, and a unique spectrographic registry/record. This excludes inexpensive items such as pens, screws, et cetera, but not orchids, cheese, machinery, automotive parts, suits, dresses, cameras, watches, liquor bottles, and so on.

Nonsense LXXXVII.
Unilateral communication from the dead.
Relationships and conversations with the dead with neither spiritualism, nor mediums nor Ouija boards... But through books, newspapers, films, documentaries, videos and blogs that the deceased have left, they communicate with us, but we cannot communicate with them, information has flowed and still flows unilaterally in this case.

Spanish writer Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645) already wrote in one of his sonnets, titled From the tower (Desde la torre):

Retreated in the peace of these deserts,
with few but wise books together,
I live in conversation with the deceased
and I listen with my eyes to the dead.

If not always understood, always open,
[they] either amend, or fertilize my affairs;
and in musical silent counterpoints
to the dream of the life [they] talk awake.

The great souls that the death absent,
of insults of the years, avenger,
frees, oh, great Yosef!, the wise printing press.

In irrevocable getaway flees the hour;
but the former estimates the best count
that in the lesson and studies betters us.

Another kind of communication —somewhat ethereal and spiritual— is the prayer addressed to God, or to the Virgin Mary or Miriam, or to some saint ... to pray for the eternal rest of the dead.

Nonsense LXXXVIII.
Some Mexican radio programs. (1) Behind the News, Detrás de la Noticia (DDN) with Ricardo Rocha, and Florencia Ángeles, (2) Eduardo Ruiz-Healy, news and commentaries, (3) The Box Office, La taquilla, a radio program about theatre, playwrights, the show business, and the scenic arts, with René Franco, Horacio Villalobos, and Ildaiza Salas; these three programs are broadcast by Radio Formula, from the Federal District (Mexico City). (4) Informative Image, Imagen informativa, with Pedro Ferriz de Con; Three Saturday programs broadcast by Radio Metrópoli at 1150 AM, from Guadalajara: (5) The Hour of the Juggler, La hora del juglar, a radio program about Spanish and Latin American literature, Mexican folkloric music, archeology… with doctor Efraín Franco, and Berenice Gutiérrez; (6) Dog Paw, Pata de perro, with Sunny Montoya and Talina Radillo tips for travelers-tourists to Egypt, Europe, Asia, old Amerindian cities and ruins in Mexico, et cetera; and a Mexican cuisine recipe, every Saturday; (7) The Golden Age, The Beautiful Epoch, or La Belle Epoque, in Spanish: La bella época  (about the life in Guadalajara and in the Mexican Republic during the decades of 1920-1950), with attorney Abel Campirano-Marín.

Nonsense LXXXIX.
Prowlers swarm in large cities, especially in the evenings and nights.

Nonsense XC.
Selective messism.
In the selective messism there will be no accommodations neither for the strangers to every circuit where assemblies will be held, nor the ignorant, profiteers, vicious ones, the evil ones, the Machiavellian, lazy, unreliable, ugly ones (as per the standards of beauty and aesthetics bequeathed to us by the great European easel painters from the Italian Quatroccento until the nineteenth century).

Nonsense XCI.
Political spectrum.
Anarchism or nihilism, communism, socialism, social democracy, Christian democracy, populism, center, liberalism, capitalism, conservatism, authoritarianism, fascism. This list is not rigid or absolute, as several (or many) authors, sociologists and political scientists differ.

Nonsense XCII.
Gobi, 06/16/2016.
As per the informative sheet #016/2013, folder IV, confirmed by the scientific forecaster, and to those who will read this writing, be it known that:

In the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia, the afternoon of Thursday, June 16, Leap Year 2016 (06/16/2016), the purists and quasi perfect ones of the world will meet to decide the fate of this rebellious and ungrateful human species.

Some will drink black tea, others Turkish coffee and some more beer, and almost all of them will forget what will have gone to...

Nonsense XCIII.
Does your keyring tell something about your personality? Well, in most instances yes; for example, a yuppie may prefer a keyring with the logo of his car's brand; a sophisticated woman maybe will be using one with the logo of her favorite perfume's brand; a boy, one with an image of his favorite video game or his NFL or MLB team; a girl, one with a picture of herself, very well made up and coiffed, and carefully dressed, and so on...

Nonsense XCIV.
One afternoon, a ringtail (cacomixtle or cacomistle), an opossum (zarigüeya or tlacuache), and a buzzard (zopilote) met to decide the future of the forest Alwaysflower.

The three agreed that human beings must be expelled forever by using new tactics, that way the forest will remain healthy and clean.

Nonsense XCV.
Cotton fibers or filaments.
Ultraviolet rays will be directed to the filaments of cotton precursors of millions of threads that will form the warp and weft of fine cloth to be used for manufacturing sheets as well as blouses and shirts.

Nonsense XCVI.
Instead of using tunnel boring machines, TBMs.
Speaking about construction of tunnels, I wonder if it were possible to melt/pulverize silicon (atomic number 14; symbol, Si), by implementing a different kind of approach, perhaps as a first step laser rays, gamma or beta rays, perhaps the ray generator should be put “in tune” with other elements of group XIV of the periodic table of chemical elements (carbon 6, C; germanium 32, Ge, tin 50, Sn, lead 82, Pb), or by extremely violent changes of temperatures, pyro- cryo-; vibrointervention, intervention through rhythmic sounds of soaring decibelage, et cetera.

Nonsense XCVII.
Health!, dear peers, minions, disciples... Please know:
We have received the following communiqué:
On Monday 07/17/2017, at 17:17 hours, I, the Grand Intercontinental Master Magnus Orion, seventeenth avatar of Kali, as a token of my goodwill and a patent demonstration of my condition and my selective and irrevocable epistemocratic conviction I will reveal only to you, the seventeenth mystery of the universe. You must be ready, because when I solve the riddle XVII, you could be fidgeted and shocked about your fate and the mysteries 18-64, the answers to which I myself do not know by now, however, I have been informed that these mysteries are less important than #17, and will be solved quickly and generally reported by your supervisor, Dalilah Essredn.

Nonsense XCVIII.
Gelation of the Pseudo-Spirit.
Your pseudo-spirit can be easily gelled. Just make sure you eat a cup of at least one pint of pineapple, peach or strawberry jelly. If the flavors are artificial, you must add the respective pieces of real fruit.

Nonsense XCIX.
Time, space, knowledge, work ...
First, was the time, space, then knowledge, labor, raw materials, tools, materials processing (value added) produced items, and money.

Nonsense C (yes, one hundred).
About analogies and conventions.
It is difficult to find a way to describe one of the basic functions of the human mind —the acquisition or creation of knowledge— that does not include analogies (or affinities), and conventions (or agreements) that mankind has created gradually and continuously since Homo ignorantis tardus (better known by the pompous name of Homo sapiens sapiens) first appeared on the African territory.

After the “polyhedral” or “3D, three-dimensional” logic, epistemology and metaphysics (as parts of philosophy), came in a plane, that is, in a surface, area, or bi-dimension, the semasiology (from signifier to signified) and onomasiology (from signified to signifier).

In this field —onomasiological— we should include the English philologist and lexicographer Mark Roget (London, 1779-1869) who compiled and wrote a Thesaurus of English words and phrases classified so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition, which is an exhaustive classification of synonyms or verbal equivalents which is still popular in modern editions, and the Spanish lexicographer and academic Julio Casares (Granada, 1877-Madrid, 1964), who created a Diccionario ideológico de la lengua española: desde la idea a la palabra, desde la palabra a la idea. Ideological dictionary of the Spanish language: from the idea to the word, from the word to the idea.

In an interview with the then-president of the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española, RAE, www.rae.es Fernando Lázaro-Carreter (1923-2004), the journalist Florinda Salinas, in Madrid, Spain, on August 8, 1997, asked:

—Is the language the framework of the thought?

—Yes, the language is the only framework of the thought. Science is nothing but a well-constructed. We all think by means of words, no matter if we want it that way or not. If there is not a verbal analysis of the world, there is no way of knowing it.

The Greek word λόγος logos, means “reason”, “word”.

Important people in the development of theories of language were Swiss linguist and semiotician Ferdinand de Saussure (1859-1913) and the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), a theorist of the philosophy of language.

In education highlighted: Swiss philosopher and psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980), who was the great pioneer of the constructivist theory of knowledge, and the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), another pillar of constructivism.

Nonsense CI.
Planning after the establishment of ready-reckoners.
Our differentiated and selective planning will be done only after we have established ready-reckoners and parameters EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization).

Nonsense CII.
To your health!, with Miller beer.

Nonsense CIII.
To your health!, with Spanish brandy Bobadilla 103.
Many years ago, when the founder of Bobadilla y Compañía, S.A. (Bobadilla and Company, Inc.) bought one hundred oak barrels, the manufacturer gave him other three for free. Hence the name of the brandy.

Nonsense CIV.
Ñññññ, ñá, ñá, ñáaaaa.

Nonsense CV.
The sea was serene, serene was the sea.
La mar estaba serena, serena estaba la mar.

The sea was serene, serene was the sea.

Tha saa aas sarana, sarana aas tha saa.
The see ees serene, serene ees the see.
Thi sii iis sirini, sirini iis thi sii.
Tho soo oos sorono, sorono oos tho soo.
Thu suu uus surunu, surunu uus thu suu.

In “Spanish”:

La mar estaba serena, serena estaba la mar.

La mar astaba sarana, sarana astaba la mar.
Le mer estebe serene, serene estebe le mer.
Li mir istibi sirini, sirini istibi li mir.
Lo mor ostobo sorono, sorono ostobo lo mor.
Lu mur ustubu surunu, surunu ustubu lu mur.

Nonsense CVI.
Levorotated molecularisms, 9.549 degrees.
Heterokinetic molecularisms, originally moving in straight line, were then bi-refracted and diverted to a levorotatory light of 9.549 degrees (one radian divided by 6), thanks to a measured and regularly intermittent underaction of quasi enzyme gram-negative exotranscriptoreductase-gyrease of Exfleihner Laboratorien, Aktiengesellschaft.

Should an excess of quasi enzyme arises, the substance of election to be supplied is gentamicin (if the affected one is a pseudo-inert gel carrageenan + water + glycerin, or carboxymethylcellulose + water + glycerin, apply the gentamicin fairly diluted, with an atomizer; if the concerned is an humanoid or human, apply intramuscularly, up to 3 mg / kg / day. Do not mix with thinner, because this maneuver could cause the death of the humanoid/human, and in the case of the wonderful gel, it could get disabled.

Nonsense CVII.
Nuncupatory and palimpsestic happiness.
The heir Louie never really worked. He used to buy cars Chevrolet Camaro. Used one for four years, sold it, and bought another, again. He traveled all over the world. Got married twice. Had five children. Owned a chain of car wash businesses. Used to drink beer… Corona or Miller, and bourbon whiskeys such as Evan Williams and Jim Beam. He was a fan of the Oakland Raiders. He played tennis, swam. Died in Sausalito, California at 83 years of age. His heirs and heiresses will enjoy a heritage... 435 million dollars.

Nonsense CVIII.
Fourteen, killed by more than two million.
A pack of fourteen gray wolves howl, then the males start to patrol their territory, lightweight walking among the bushes in the Valley of Truth. Everything seemed quiet. Suddenly from the mountains descended a scrum of more than two million hungry and desperate ants which in minutes killed fourteen wolves. The insects have gotten food.

Nonsense CIX.
Insectaneous chess.
An army of flying ants controlled by pheromones was created. They have been taught to play a kind of mini-chess “at an insect brain level”, but more importantly, they have come up with a tremendous genetic alteration that allows them to produce and carry big amounts of lethal poison in their paws. In order to exterminate millions of people worldwide, Scottish mad scientist Angus Penninfberg sent billions of flying ants for attacking several megacities.

Now, the insectaneous chess —ideal to be played by winged ants— is played on a board of 16 printed squares with alternating colors in black and white (checkerboard), the pieces are four for each player: a king, a bishop, a knight, and a pawn. When played by female ants is called “female chess” and pieces for each player are: a queen, a “female bishop”, a mare, and a “female pawn”... This is done that way, in order to not offend women, so calamitous feminist groups do not complain because of “discrimination”.

If played by a female ant against a male ant, each player will use pieces according to their respective sex. In this case, the king and queen have the same value each. This is considered so as not to offend sensitive feminists.

In any case, the ants of one and other sexes, before every game, must bow to the goddess of chess, Caissa, bowing before a statue of that Hindu deity that should be in every chess game room.

Nonsense CX.
Queen ant, winged ant.
Winged ants are rather rare.
The End.

Nonsense CXI.
ƒ (x)
The invisible hand of the ghost number 255 has drawn a sinusoidal line in the angles of perfect incidence for watching a molecular pseudocontinuum, relevant in certain circumstances and unlikely for now, but thanks to the formula ƒ(x) =? conjugated with the asymptotic freedom and in the presence of spiral and helical magnificent collective exhaustivism, almost all of us can declare victory early, openly, without squeamishness or anachronistic prudishness.

Nonsense CXII.
Lethal wasp.
Sitting on the far right of her favorite chair, Bethsabe Iskelfause sips his second tangerine tea cup, and think what to say to Matthew Dorf when he returns from his practice in the shooting.

By using a detector, she has located gold ingots on a wall of the first floor of the house.

Suddenly a wasp approaches...

Two hours later, Matt comes back and finds her dead. He was allergic to wasp poison, without knowing it.

Matt is free to enjoy a fortune that “has fallen from the sky” all alone, or with his lover Eliza Shaftesbury (who does not know about the finding).

He thinks deeply... It seems that he is going to get rid of the ambitious Eliza...

Nonsense CXIII.
Hyperdynamic Consciousness.
In the East glade of the Humus Forest, after the nineteenth hour, flying and rising  iridescent red coals of oak (Quercus ilex), which firstly follow the lines of the conical curves —circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola—, and then the course of a curve apparently asymptotic form the strange and whimsical images revealing of the forms quasi embodied of the spontaneous visual integration of recombinant construction and deconstruction based on a metamorphoseable and exomoving otherness and projecting toward an exciting voyage of hyperdynamic awareness in an unusual drive of time which flows in preterital and futural fashion with endless cadence and unflappable grace omnidiffuser of exciting, inevitable and pervasive precursor novoepistemographies a multicausal highbrow exercise and leading polyfruitful toward a continuum patrician which we recently referred to in our penultimate Assembly of Hooded Ones, and we intend to arrive to it by the study, chance, character, and, if given, even serendipity, all of this, from this important meeting in the forest of Humility (Humus Forest).

Most important is that fractional knowledge that every one of the 19 personages (ten women and nine men) acquire is concatenated using the formula Sigma IV Lógos  (Σίγμα Δ Λόγος) the Ionian navigator Heraclitus has entrusted to us.

Later they will come the necessary metaphrases and the communication of our rapporteurs to hermit Hieraticus and anarchist of the Infinity Epiphanius, as well as to the between 361,000 (19^2 x 10^3) and 400,000 (20^2 x 10^3) international discipleship.

We believe that among the most important translations must be those to Sanskrit, modern Greek, Latin, German, English, Spanish, and French.

After the dissemination of knowledge and hyperdynamic consciousness is made, we will be ready to take the next small and humble step.

It has been signed, by the Superintendent of Special Space Messenger Services (name withheld to avoid disturbances and alleged superiority). And the great seal was affixed In Humilitate Servire, at the sigilli locus.

Nonsense CXIV.
Total happiness of the rational blastocoelic beings.
The increased intussusception, the anti-media solipsism, the celebratory anticipation, knowing and postmodern metacerebral reason, the reptilian cerebelloid regulation, appellant decadence inertial and accelerative quasi ellipsoidal propulsion have contributed to the total happiness of the rational blastocoelic beings.

Nonsense CXV.
Agilitation of ontonormative, epistemoferous procedures.
The reverberant isometric extension, the apparent magnification and collegial universal standardization will allow the ontonormative agilitation of equivalent, co-curricular epistemoferous extra-dynamic and peripherals procedures.

Nonsense CXVI.
Extreme mandatory planning.
On Thursday, January 2, 2015, Paidos Knoyhwam will have achieved implementing its financial and tax planning compulsory extreme (extrema necessitas et tributum pecuniarium planificatio) in 78 percent of the planet, which is to withdraw from circulation all notes and coins for better control transactions, buying and selling, and to minimize tax evasion and avoidance.

All individuals and private entities will be provisioned with a single debit card to make every one of its business operations. For citizens who have credit card, this will be linked to the debit internetically.

Each nation will have a Computer Server Central that will control, manage and oversee the business, economic and financial transactions of the citizens.

This is the new era of supersymbolic economy.

Nonsense CXVII.
Absolute Nothingness.
After a supermeditational peripateticism that lasted 36 years, in the valleys and mountains of Kashmir, elderish Benton gave a press conference, in Sanskrit, in the city of Srinagar, in which he announced his latest invention:

He is the creator —or, rather, the anticreator— of the Absolute Nothingness. After having created it, he confined within nine polyhedra, within which there are not even neutrinos nor yoctoparticles, no light: the most absolute dark reigns supremely in the universe, no sound, no dark matter nor dark energy, nor temperature (this is a secret, but there is cold or heatlessness is below absolute zero, which was thought impossible, is the “antitemperature” something brand new: -400º Celsius, minus four hundred degrees Celsius) instead of time, there are anti-time a Greek god Cronos that apparently flows toward the past, but not: it is a static anti-time.

Inside, the entropy is absolute zero, there are perennial and the most absolute Order.

The wise has built ten polyhedra out of an ultra-strange and very expensive material, measuring between 2,260 and 18,000 cubic feet each, and these are:

An ovoid, a cylinder, a cone, a square pyramid, sphere, tetrahedron, hexahedron or cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and the biggest and best of all, an icosahedron.

Each polyhedron had cost six billion dollars, but thanks to great technological simplification of Benton and his assistant “F”, the real cost has been 600,000 dollars each.

This is not an abstraction or something imaginary. Polyhedra can be seen in the North neighborhood in the sacred district of Srinagar.

Nonsense CXVIII.
Polyacting approximate infinity, at a speed of 2,200 quintillions of yottameters (Ym) per second, alternately in: (A) obtuse angles of the sum of three radians (171.887 degrees), (B) sinusoidal, stabilized curves, and (C) very straight line, to integrate an ephemeral hyperspectral image of intermittent induction predefined juxtavalently, according to four co-dependent variables (whose existence only fourteen people are aware of) in a Riemannian mezzo-space of absolutely isometric equidistances, in an epicyclic, peripheral, ponderative, multi-causal and interfactorial stage as per the fluctuating provisions of para-distributed tensions of the sixth phase of the particles in their subquarkic quasi trifle.

Nonsense CXIX.
A selective internet.
—Andrew: We need a selective internet. In the internet there are many time-consuming chores, and nonsense webpages (like this one you are reading right now). Some people, like me, are eagerly awaiting selected websites, and one or several selective search engines that deliver results and fine links. Yes, a part of the internet without garbage/trash about celebrities, actors and actresses, rock stars, politicians, sports personalities, ignorant people, except when a character has something interesting to say for the economy or life, a selective internet, without absolutely neither videos, nor family banalities —of the kind: “I have uploaded tens of photos* of my daughter Lena on her birthday party; four years old, the pretty girl.”

No trivial material, please.

*Or worse: a video.

Andrew goes on to say: Instead of the above, it should contain and promote science, philosophy, economics, ecology, mathematics, theoretical physics, astronomy, chemistry, the classical music...

Helena: The selective internet already exists... in your mind. You must distinguish and discriminate among the many websites, and choose the ones that are of interest to you, select what you want to visit and what not, and stick to that.

—Andrew: I had not seen it that way, you're right, thanks.

Nonsense CXIX.
Temporary camouflage, limited subterfuge; when the ruse has been discovered, and the perpetrator denounced, the deception will conclude, and the defeat will ensue for the unobservant disruptive.

Nonsense CXX.
Anontological or novoontological reactions.
The pre-expectativists relationships can cause, although rarely, diffracting anontological or novoontological supramolecular reactions, in most cases there will be consequences, but these will be irrelevant.

Nonsense CXXI.
Dormition of dreamy reverie sophrologic, a dreamer, paleo-somnolent, he/she dreamed another dream.

Nonsense CXXII.
Old magazine.
That fourteen years old magazine taken at random from a stack you have on the floor, forgotten for a while, with some topics of interest for decades, now connects you with an item that you had not hit before, the perspectives seem good...

Nonsense CXXIII..
Overath and Duncan.
Flight 712 of Aviatours arrived late, and the expert and scientist Ernst Overath had to deliver his lecture in the Humi Cibum restaurant, before an audience of millionaires, while they ate a superb menu prepared by the cook Doña Pachita —this restaurant had no chefs.

Concluded the conference, the scholar Overath left without saying goodbye, caught the first passing taxi and headed to the airport. The rich, having finished their salads, soups, meats, red wines and desserts, asked for him and were upset to learn that he had “fled”. He promised his host Samuel “Sammy” Duncan, he would upload the conference, in writing, to a website, www.sciencewomenandmen.com and that’s all, folks!, like Porky Pig used to say.

Nonsense CXXIV.
Rats and vermin. “Official”forecast written in the town of Xalapa, October 13, AD 1791, found in private files on a house of Córdoba, Veracruz, on 11/11/2011, 220 years after.

Soon there will be more countries and colonies like this New Spain, dear readers, to come into the orbit of the republican form of government, conceived by the wicked  Montesquieu, influenced by the English philosopher son of a commoner John Locke and implemented in France by Danton, Marat, Robespierre and his henchmen.

The Freemasonic lodges grow in strength and number, for men ambitious of power, wealth and honor will be added, which will come inside like the rats enter open barns.

In New Spain territory within a sesqui-century, there will have begun to suck human vermin, disciples of chaos, profiteers, abusive, lazy, and blackmailers individuals who will advocate for systems enslaving man, disguised as liberators, egalitarians and progressive ones.

Nonsense CXXV.
The fraction of grains will be carried out —except rye— without tributes, excises, imposts, tobacconists, franchises, concessions or royal fifths.

As for the exception, the Marquis of Pleamar (High Tide) reserves the monopoly for himself. All rye growers must sell their produce to him under penalty of complete confiscation, fine of half the value of what not informed of, and eleven lashes in public without regard to race or caste of the offender.

The Colonial Government reserves for itself the monopoly of tobacco.

Written in the town of Iguala, by the hearer Manuel de Sifuentes y Verastegui, June 11, AD 1632, after the flooding of Mexico City in 1629 which lasted three years, and published in the Gazette by order or his grace and honorable excellence, the Viceroy, Don Rodrigo Pacheco Osorio, Marquis of Cerralvo, who signs at the bottom. The Chancellor has stamped the seal on the locus sigilli.

Nonsense CXXVI.
To you, oh Rand Felguera (fictional) Bolivian painter and musician who paints seascapes that your country does not have and had, to you, who are sitting at table 4 of the lobby bar, drinking cubas libres (free cubas) prepared with Havana Club rum and Coca-Cola, along the translator Carla Villarreal-Balderrama and an old Mexican (“Aztec”) and mediocre novelist and a female spic or sudaca (Spanish offensive for South American) poet —these two low-class, and then the interviewer asked you about memory, and you answered that when certain synapses are reactivated mind sfumato is gone, and then come the fond and the bad memories, the glorious and the bitter ones, and then you have to follow the arrow going forward, you pay homage to your entourage and your fans and admirers ...

Nonsense CXXVII.
East Pakistan —RWF.
Ankara, Turkey. December 30, 1970 (RWF).
There are already marching with the elegant goose step the troops commanded by Marshal Jeffrey McDivitt, Supreme Commander of the invading Armed Forces of East-Pakistan —that will change its name to Bangladesh— into Turkey.

We are in Ankara, the Turkish capital. War correspondent of the organization Reporters Without Frontiers (RWF) reported. Name withheld because there are many snipers.

This is false, the Army and the Navy of East-Pakistan (or Bangladesh) have never invaded Turkey.

Nonsense CXXVIII.
New calendar.
The intra- and extraorganizational pantocratic compliance has been enforced only from one day after Thursday October 4, 1582 —the next day was Friday, October 15, 1982—, and that year lost ten days. The Julian calendar (named after Julius Caesar), which was used during some 1628 years, from 46 BC to 1582 AD, began to cease in its using as of October 15, 1582, giving way to the Gregorian calendar (currently in force) instituted by Pope Gregory XIII (Ugo Buoncompagni). For 1582, the equinoxes and solstices were ten days ahead.

Nonsense CXXIX.
Amanda nonexistent.
The model Amanda Blackhurst, ugly and attractive, was subjected to mild, everyday exfoliation by applying sludge impalpable volcanic soil, and subsequently received a gel of aloe vera, and some other treatment cosmetologist Issa James Landers.

Nonsense CXXX.
Quasi useless book.
Put that expensive and almost useless book on a dusty shelf.

Nonsense CXXXI.
Andreas Rattlefort wanted to put an end to the Sun and exterminate life on planet Earth.

That Saturday, January 7, 2023, opportunistic Andreas Rattlefort decided finally to implement its intention to shut down the sun...

... He sent two spacecraft that day.

Where to send them? He have not told us, but it is assumed that to the very same Helios.

A) A ship loaded with six tons of heavy atoms composed of protons, neutrons and macroelectrons, the latter ones as heavy as neutrons. B) Another loaded with some very rare ultralight pseudoatoms (in an unstable balance achieved by the action of compensators of spins) compounded by electrons, pseudoneutrinos, positrons, and free quarks.

Rattlefort announce that after a tremendous Solar implosion caused by him, it will come the end of the Sun, and thus that of the Solar System as we have known it.

Rattlefort is an advanced disciple of deuteragonist Penninfberg Angus (1988- ), a Scottish scientist and dilettante, and a lover of ease.

Nonsense CXXXII.
Offices for Registry of Individual Metaphysical Evolution.
Every city with more than 40 thousand inhabitants, must have an Office for Registry of Individual Metaphysical Evolution. Those who pass (obtain a score of 60 points or higher) in annual reviews, will be exempted from the payment of individual income taxes in equal proportion to the punctuation obtained. For example, if someone gets 78 points, he/she will be exempt from the payment of 78 per cent of income tax during the year in question. People who are disapproved, id est, those who obtain 59 points or less, will not receive an exemption.

Nonsense CXXXIII.
Erratic movement.
Air, spontaneous, asynchronous, erratic, irregular, zigzag, moody, unpredictable, messy, poor, chaotic, polydirectional, multieffectist, and healthy-carrier-of-bad-luck movement, sometimes reaches a speed of 1,367 miles per hour (2,200 kilometers per hour) in the Barruistahn great desert, although its predominant speed is of 3.1 miles per hour (five kilometers per hour).

Why this mixture of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent argon moves this way? And why only in that nonexistent desert? It is still a mystery.

Nonsense CXXXIV.
That vice dominating you for years, if you continue mired in it, it can make you shoot very quickly over the cliff to the bottom, and eventually become poor, or poorer, and even take you to the grave prematurely, whether alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction, lust, gambling (live or virtual), or other...

Remember how it all started slowly?

Some vices cause physiological and psychological dependence on time, others as gambling, only psychological or mental dependence.

The professional help from psychologists and doctors is advisable. In some states and regions, universities and public agencies such as a Health Department or Health Office professionals who have integrated bureaus or cabinets or free help. A phone call or a visit to a clinic or office can be the first step to kick the habit... You can ask a family member (your spouse, for example, if you are married) or a true friend to phone for you or accompany you on your first visit...

There are, of course, organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

When you leave/get rid of the vice, or when you slacken drastically, you will appreciate how money and time render you more. You will see your grey or black past as a distant spot.

Your health and your human / family relationships will improve. You must not lie, neither to a professional who is helping you nor to your family members, whether the family of your parents (or uncles or grandparents) or the you have formed with your spouse... If you have lied to your family, please stop, cease doing it.

You will see the nature and the urban environment “with new eyes”. Maybe you can see greener trees and meadows than they actually are, so to speak.

It is very important to set in motion something that the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) called “the backbone of the spirit”, and that something is called will. The will to change, in this case, will to stop all kinds of vice. You make a decision and stick to your decision.

Some people get rid of the vices with relative ease. For others, this process costs them months and even years of struggle, they need more help. I think the key is based on two factors: A) Will and B) Seeking professional help, even put aside pride (if you have it) and shame, and humbly ask for help … with the recognition that you are an addict.

Nonsense CXXXV.
The raiser of inherencies.
The raiser of inherencies projects multidirectionally a conclusive, binding, heterodox, and versatile immanentism.

Nonsense CXXXVI.
Willingham, guilty.
The irrefutable?? proof about Matthew Willingham being guilty of the misdemeanor in question, was a sheet of carbon paper. He had typed certain words... Detective Harris found such sheet in a garbage bin in the house of Martha V., a friend of Willingham... And some fingerprints Matthew had left in the keys of a typewriter Olivetti, owned by Martha.

Nonsense CXXXVII.
Oh, Marx!
Communism —like its “derivative” socialism— is a system that takes money and goods from the rich so rulers, managers, and administrators keep the lion’s share for themselves, and give some or very little when this is possible, to the poor. Lowering the wealthy, without helping up the needy.

Moreover, one of the few merits of German-Jewish philosopher and economist Karl Marx (1818-1883) was to develop the concept of surplus value, although he was not the originator of the term.

Nonsense CXXXVIII.
Privileges and sinecures.
Benefits by inheritance, by the exercise of powers —work— by merits in campaign, by knowledge, service of ancestors to princes and rulers, for sole possession of more than 100,000 acres (40,470 hectares) of arable lands.

Sinecures for having helped the war campaigns or their respective lords or for having paid allegiance and taxes with gold, silver, or in kind; by the influence of a high-positioned defender, as a duke, a cardinal, et cetera; because of being an artist, goldsmith, musician, painter of oils...

Nonsense CXXXIX.
Apparent superiority.
With the mere presence of B.M., it was spotted his air of apparent superiority above all those unfortunate and poor human beings and all of those lumpen-proletarians and other low-birth and ugly people who had been called to the political rally...

Nonsense CXL.
45 grams.
After a risky scientific experiment, physicist Rita Vera began to lose weight, her body acquired a singular quasi etherealness and weightlessness because she lost all of her neutrons, and her protons were replaced with positrons; she was electronized, and weighed only some 45 grams (about 1½ ounces)... She was like a ghost...

Nonsense CXLI.
Cloud of changing colors.
At 14:26 (2:26 p.m.) I was in the midst of a cloud which every second changed color, from blue to violet, from violet to rosy, from rosy to blue, and so on. Had it not been because I had read some Canto of The Purgatory, by Dante —or it was another work of another author? … really I do not remember— I would not have understood the underlying and half hidden meaning in that creepy, disturbing and befogging experience... Then I followed my astral, spectral, metaphysical journey towards the unzipped finite space.

Nonsense CXLII.
A situation that because of a magic art has become sporadic in even years, customary in odd years, suddenly turned imperturbable isolation in the Transtyrrhenian meadows of Saldancy, a very vast semi-desert landscape, facing a sea of horse latitudes.

What could be, because of your wrong decision was not and will not be, and can not be. It is useless to go in her search, she got married, not without some vengeful spite.

When she was looking for you, you walked away, wasting time and money with some light young femmies.

She lives in the big city. You, in a village of sea fishing boats. She has money and smog, and you, calm skies and orange sunsets. She will have children and grandchildren, you, Becquerian memories.

You can not live as silly or slowly, my marine biologist friend. Waiter, another trio of beers!

And so the conversation, or rather the reflexive monologue of the visitor friend, continued until the time of the singing of the cricket, when that old sea village, some distance from a thriving port, went to sleep.

Nonsense CXLIII.
In one of the most inhospitable places on Ixtlahuacán del Río (“Flat Place Upon the River”), in the north area of the Mexican State of Jalisco, Cuthbert “Cutie” Gokfella installed a podium and two lecterns with microphones to deliver his fourth scientific discourse and second press conference of the year... February 12...

There were neither umbrellas nor awnings nor straw huts, but beers, champagne, cider and chilled white wine, Chihuahua cheese and pork sausages made the day for the attendees...

The talk dealt partially about a wonder that no one had noticed before Cuthbert, and maybe he will fully unveil it in a few years...

Reporter Ephraim “Payin” Monteserrado drank so much that no longer remembers a bit of what “Cutie” said, and the battery of his tape recorded is fully discharged, so there is nothing concrete for now...

Nonsense CXLIV.
The youth ... grow like wild grass.
One day, the Londoner of Welsh descent writer John Thelwall (1764-1834) paid a visit to the English lakist romantic poet and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834).

Thelwall considered very unfair to influence the mind of a child to instill reviews and rules before he had reached the age of discretion in choosing for himself.

Coleridge invited him to go to see his garden. He showed him his “garden.”

—Coleridge: “This is my botanical garden…”

—Thelwall: “How so?, it is covered with weeds...”

—Coleridge: Oh, that is only because it has not yet reached the age of discretion and choice. The weeds, as you can see, have taken the liberty to grow, and I thought it would be unfair in me to intervene in favor of roses and strawberries...

Coleridge always maintained that the children and youth will be educated with clear and firm rules, no abuse from parents, teachers, clergy, tutors, governesses, et cetera, but no complacency.

Nonsense CXLV.
Elation may be the one belonging to:

(A) A farmer... Saluting the no cessation of the rain that benefits him.

(B) A smoker that before going to sleep, unexpectedly finds a cigarette lying on the floor of his home, or in his shirt pocket, or somewhere else... when he thought he no longer had.

(C) A child who finds a candy or a chocolate bar in an unexpected place, without looking for it...

(D) A guy who sees a bank note lying in the street...

(E) A mother or father who receive the news of the doctor about her/his child is out of danger after a serious health problem...

Nonsense CXLVI.
Old shoes.
Congratulate yourself, Alfred, had not thrown those old shoes, 100 percent leather, because now they can be useful for a Saturday home task, while painting the house or doing yard work or doing other tasks... even on a rainy day.

You are not going to go outside wearing them, but they serve to put them on while doing some housework.

Nonsense CXLVII.
¾ Sleeves

[The fraction ¾ or broken number ¾ is obtained by typing the keys ALT 243, while ½ is achieved via ALT 171, and ¼ is gotten by typing ALT 172.]

The fabulous three-quarter sleeves are not short or long sleeves; they are 3/4 or ¾, to distinguish you, as covered buttons also make you excel. Those can cover up to the elbow or forearm to some people, but allow you to perform certain tasks without the hassle of long sleeves or the inelegance of the short ones. For example, pressing the computer keyboards or typewriters keys, playing guitar or some other musical instrument, cooking, washing dishes or even the clothes, by hand...

Nonsense CXLVIII.
750-400 nanometers, from red to violet.
The reverberative concoid perverseness involves instant elevation of the Maxwell probe to the ionosphere via the material and conceptual juxtaposition with the help of a camshaft set at the highest possible speed and calibrated to operate the gun of light rays visible for human eye, with frequencies between 4 and 7.9 × 10 ^ 14 hertz and wavelengths between 750 and 400 nanometers (from red to violet [red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet]). Text copied from the Secret diary of a mad machine generating visible rays of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Nonsense CXLIX.
The new fashion.
The new craze in pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo is selling soft drinks made with that expensive and special ice which can filter and refract the colors of the rainbow.

Nonsense CL.
Phosphorus sesquisulfide.
Phosphorus sesquisulfide is the name of one of the most used chemical compounds (P4S3) to make matches. The Latin prefix sesqui- denotes “one and a half”, id est, a unit and a half.

Sesquihour: one and a half hour (90 minutes). This Nonsense #150 is a sesquihundred.

Nonsense CLI.
Floatoid mobility.
The ringing and the polyrhythmic, arpeggiated, paradimensional, and stereorradianean vibrations descry a possibility of a floatoid mobility, supported by the air, even the most rarefied and polluted.

Nonsense CLII.
Night prowler.
A persistent bipedestrian mezzonormal position accuses exomarsupial night prowlerhood. Be careful.

Nonsense CLIII.
A beautiful, magnificent and fabulous death.
The death of widower Athanasius Buenrostro-Quáter (1916-2013) on June 4, 2013, It was beautiful, because he was watching beautiful scrolls, toroids and helical smoke figures given off by smoking his non-filtered cigarettes. It was magnificent because he died in peace with God, since June 2 he had called to come to his lavish mansion Fidel López Dorado, a priest from the nearby parish of Saint Robert Bellarmine, for confession and communion. It was fabulous because he accepted from the very beginning that despite his name he was not an immortal one, and because he passed away when his two sons, three daughters, two daughters-in-law, three sons-in-law, and eleven grandchildren, and more fabulous was for his heirs and heiresses, as he left behind a dreadful amount of 48 million dollars and a collection of 27 old cars of the 1940s: Nash, Buick, Cadillac, DeSoto, Dodge, Chevrolet, Tucker, Ford, Hudson, Curtis, Oldsmobile, Mercury, Lincoln, Packard, Plymouth , Pontiac, Studebaker...

Nonsense CLIV.
“Walnutter” Cuervo in Amacueca.
The morning of that Sunday, September 3, 1967, the last day of the holiday, Brígida Liñán-Ávalos parked her beige ‘67 Chevelle on a rural road outside Amacueca. Then, she, her husband Enos Yllán-Cáñez, and their children, Mayra, Óscar, and Flora, got off the automobile.  

They walked through a wet trail, all with arms raised, such as antennas, as they had the power to capture and translate Hertzian electromagnetic waves to sound, without radio receiving apparatus, although the Chevrolet came equipped with one.

This time they tuned in the guadalajarense station La Poderosa (The Powerful One) XEHL in 1010 amplitude modulation. Óscar and Flora gave in because the program did not interest them.

Brígida wore a dress with red, lilac, and orange prints, as were the colors of the flowers on the hills and in the valley that was visible to the East, down the road.

At one point, happened to pass a crow, which squawked: ka kaw, ka ka kaw, ka ka ka, kaw. Enos, who in his youth received lessons about interpreting crow squawking from an Indian in Silver City, New Mexico, and had perfected this technique with a shaman, in Metairie, Louisiana, said the crow communicated them to go to northwest from the point there were, so there they could find nuts and, in fact, ten minutes later they were collecting and eating tasty nuts from the soil.

They returned to the car, took to that northwest point four large empty sacks, without finding out who owned the land and the nut field, they filled the sacks with nuts of the best quality, which Brígida sold in Guadalajara at a bread factory, for 4,600 pesos (approximately 368 dollars).

The next year, 1968, Brígida Liñán-Ávalos bought the landowner Leovigildo Rodríguez-Epantin 60 hectares (148.25 acres) of land in the valley East of the “nut” fields. Later they discovered there two scrumptious manganese veins, and in 2005 her sons, then married, enjoyed the high life. Enos, who died in 2002 (MMDCCLV, Ab Urbe Condita), had managed to enjoy, too, the money obtained from the daily extraction and sale of manganese.

Brígida and their children have altogether fifteen stuffed crows —ka, kaw— in homes and offices.

Nonsense CLV.
Kerosene and gunpowder.
From XLII century B.C. (BCE) —the century of the Dalcasian hegemony in Asia— up to the XIII century AD (CE), that of the Mongol hegemony in Asia, thanks to the use of stirrups attached to the chairs of horses in war— a big part of the stupidiot human kind believed that the stars were distant fireflies, when in fact the blue stars are distant kerosene lamps, and the white ones are sparklers held by pterodactyls which survived the mass extinction caused 65 million years ago by meteorite Chicxulub, in the Yucatan peninsula, these flying reptiles were trained by the ancestors of the Romanian poultryman Abeencord Mineascu.

Nonsense CLVI.
Creditorship boastful by the alleged immediacy of money recovery, but the greed defeated them when facing the reality of default by borrowers.

Nonsense CLVII.
Annual plans.
At 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 7, 2014, they will begin to arrive at a style mansion estate in the colony La Soledad, thirty masked individuals in robes and hoods, in the purest style of the Spanish Inquisition or the Ku-Klux Klan, in their luxury cars, to hold a “secret” meeting and plan power actions for the starting year.

Nonsense CLVIII.
Fruitful Pseudoanchoritism.
Solipsistic pseudoanchoritism in the valle Of the Valley, fruitful in the sense of the revelations of Guru Fabio Lopes-Donahue, “the Simple” after metasymbolic deep thoughts and philosophical extremely high musings (unattainable for supine ignorant ones, just like you, my very dear readers, or me), hyperstatic and bizarre, extended macroexoterically towards the world, towards the outside, and into the cities, for the benefit of simple mortals the non-gifted, and even the hapless fools who if they applied the wonderful reasoning and useful deductions from the ineffable one Lopes-Donahue, socioeconomic prostration would leave us forever in less than two years.

Nonsense CLIX.
All new.
See here, there and everywhere!: chemical engineer Belinda Ova created —out of ultra-heavy, modified nitrogen (with 19 neutrons in each nucleus) and carbon-14—, another absolute, something unique and never seen before: the absolute hypothetically relativized, and drafted the hypothesis of special absoluteness a tome of 548 pages, from which we reproduce here only the essential neoexpressional formula:

A = Σ {(α × 4πr ^ 3 + ¾γ) φ} / (e ^ 2-t) 26N 14C

Where A is absolute
Σ, sigma
α, angular acceleration
π, pi, namely, 3.14159265...
r, a mysterious radio measuring a few picometers, an “absolutizer relative”
γ, the gamma function
φ, (1 + √ 5) / 2 = 1.61803398874989... [The golden ratio, called phi]
e, 2.7182818284... the base of natural logarithms, or Euler number
t, time in seconds
26N, ultra-heavy nitrogen
14C carbon-14.

Also, let’s make clear that Ova likes to drink Absolut Citron vodka.

Nonsense CLX.
Bold meteoric fireball subsidized by hydrogen in a rarified atmosphere.

Nonsense CLXI.
The acquiescent immediacy and the short-termism ab ovo prevented the institutional development of the divergent assumptions of postmodernism.

Nonsense CLXII.
Electropantographic, subnuclear, creator/copier machine.
The inventor “I” invented on Thursday, July 7, 1977 (07/07/1977) a great machine that makes and copy almost everything in an electropantographic, sophisticated and subnuclear way. He has named it “7777”.

Now that he (1997) and his wife (2014) have died, their offspring, their heirs and heiresses have sold the patents and rights to Southern Manufacturers and Associated Liquidators, Inc., a company located at 1544½ South Santa Fe Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90021.

You type something in the keyboard of a computer connected to the machine, enter an isometric drawing or chart —you “tell” the machine what your ideas and desires are, and the machine, a second-generation maker, out of nitrogen (atomic number, 7) and silicon (atomic number, 14), will craft or build almost every kind of things (except living beings). It turns your dreams into realities, your ideas and desires into deeds.

It has twin chambers, each 120 × 60 × 40 feet (long, wide, high) and if you enter something (for example, an automobile Oldsmobile 1953) in chamber B, and type directions, the machine “7777” will make an exact copy/replica in chamber A (subquarkically and electropantographically) in a couple of minutes.

If you do not have a model/prototype, you can type some words explaining your ideas, what you want to be made, draw a few isometrical drawings and sketches by using the program Paint, for instance, enter them, press the Enter key, and, hey presto!

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